Wednesday, November 18, 2009


We have been having alot of issues with Apollo since our move, but things seem to be getting better now. After we moved it really freaked him out, and every time we would leave him alone, he would panic and destroy doors, mini blinds, door frames, and anything he could get to basically. He would also poop on the floor and dump his water and food bowl and scatter the food around the whole room! I think he was showing us that he was mad at us by doing the food thing! lol Anyways, we couldn't do it anymore. He has caused alot of damage to this house already that we will have to pay back. We cant put him in the backyard cause he can easily jump the fence, which he as done several times, and he hurts himself on his cable every time we try that. So our last resort was a kennel to put him in while we are gone. He is still afraid of it, but he has been going in it pretty easy for me. I always give him a treat when he goes in there like he is supposed to. I'm glad he is doing good, cause I didn't want to hurt myself or the baby trying to get him in there. So anyways, it seems to be our best solution. Only problem is now, we cant go anywhere for an extended period of time cause we cant leave him in there too long. Not sure what to do about that one. We will try to figure something out though. Right now, he is sleeping on the floor with his stuffed duck! lol

A new life is about to begin!

32 weeks pregnant today :)
Baby Paige

definately a girl!

this one is hard to see, but it is her face on the left hand side. Her hand is up over her eyes!

little foot!
Well, I am now 32 weeks pregnant! Im getting excited to meet this little one, but I have to be patient a little bit longer! Before I know it, she will be here, and life as a mother of three will begin. It will be interesting to see how that all works out! Im not nervous about it though like I thought I would be. It will take some getting used to Im sure, but we will make it!
This last weekend David and my mom were here. It was very nice to get to see them both. The girls got some much needed Daddy time. He will be home again on Thanksgiving and for the rest of that weekend, then not much longer after that he will graduate. Im contemplating driving down there with my mom to his graduation, but I will be 35 weeks then, and I delivered both girls at 36 weeks. I have a doctor appt friday and I will ask her opinion on that.

Monday, November 9, 2009

So Bored!

I get so bored when David is away!!! Luckily my good friend lives literally four houses down, so we have been having alot of movie nights lately! lol In fact we are having another one tonight. Yesterday my dad came and got the girls for part of the day. He took them out to lunch and to the park. They also went to this cute little town called Weston, MO. Its a historic town, but I guess when they were walking down the street Constance asked where the Walmart was! LOL She says the funniest things! While they were gone I got all the rest of my scrapbook stuff organized and put away. I was going to scrapbook last night, but by the time the girls were in bed I was too tired! Figures!

So far this pregnancy has been alot different from the girls. It is coming up to the end of it though. I am almost 31 weeks now. I am feeling very pregnant at the time. All the back aches, tiredness, and having to pee every few minutes, that goes with being in the third trimester! Its all so worth it though. I really cant wait to meet this little gal! Im very curious about what she will look like. We have a blond, and a brunette, so maybe we will get a red head this time! lol

David is doing good, but wishing he was home. I think all the seperations from his family are getting to him a little bit. He will get to come home for a four day weekend for Thanksgiving though. Only two and a half weeks til then. I know we are both counting down the days. Constance is having a hard time this time with him being gone. She was telling him good night on the phone a few nights back, and started crying cause she wanted her Daddy to come home. The military life is good, but it definately is hard, especially on these little ones. It just breaks my heart :(

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sad Day at Fort Hood

As you all have heard by now, there was a mass shooting at Fort Hood yesterday. It was such a tragedy. I feel for all the families affected by this. Most of the soldiers killed where getting ready to head to Iraq. What a horrible thing to be worried about having to go to a war zone, just to be killed before you even get there. I cant even imagine what the families are going through right now. Just to think that we were just there is a little scary. Im just glad that everyone we know was ok. This all just makes me want David home even more right now. I am just going to ask everyone who reads this to pray for the victims and their families. Also pray for the shooter. For what ever reason he felt the need to kill these soldiers, and now he will live with that for the rest of his life. Pray that as he is laying in his hospital bed he is willing to come out and say why he did it. Already this has caused alot of controversy that could be solved if he will give his reasons.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Visit from Brian and Codie!

Brian and Codie drove up from Columbia today to visit with us for a bit and see our new place. It was nice to have company. Makes the time David is away go by just a tiny bit faster! The girls had alot of fun with thier aunt and uncle!

I also got a little bit of Christmas and baby shopping done today. I ordered miss Paige a carseat and bassinet. We should get them next week. Then I got a couple of things for the girls for Christmas, and am completely done shopping for my mom and David! Now to sit down and make a list of who else I still need to shop for!

Saturday my mom and Grandma Vote are coming up for the weekend. It will be nice to have company then too! We are going to do the whole Halloween thing while they are here, so that should be fun! Here are a few pictures from our day today :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

a few pictures!

Here are a few pictures from since we moved. Blogger was taking forever to upload them so sorry there are not more! Im sure you have all seen them on facebook already though! lol

Ok so here is my update blog. I will try to recount our move for everyone. We left Texas on the 24th of September. I was never so glad to say goodbye to Texas! It just was not home for us. We then stayed the night in Oklahoma, where we met up with Kevin and Rennie for dinner. It was nice to see them. When we got back to the hotel room we opened the door and saw all the damage Mr. Apollo did to the place! I was in shock. He had never been destructive like that before. I know it was just because of the move though. Luckily the manager did not charge us a penny!!! The next day we headed up to Blue Springs where we spent the next two weeks waiting for our house to be ready to move into. It felt like an eternity!! Finally we got the keys to the place and came up here to Fort Leavenworth to move in! We love our new house, it is so big! Our good friends got a place four houses down, so that turned out great! We have had a few late night Rock Band sessions since we moved in with them! Thats alot of fun. Now both of our husbands are in school. Its nice to have someone so close, we can just walk to each others places if we get bored!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Im back!

Ok so it has been awhile since I have put a post on here. With the move and everything, and then getting settled in I just havent found the time to sit and do it. I will do a much better post tomorrow, with pictures. Its almost bed time for two little girls I know!

We are settled in our new house and we really like it. David is now at school. He has been gone for two days and officially starts his schooling on how to be a prison gaurd tomorrow. I think he is looking forward to learning what he will have to do, but he is not liking being away from home(AGAIN!!) lol.

Anyways, more to come tomorrow!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

One week to go!

We are officially out of Texas in 7 days! 5 days from now we will be packing the moving truck and getting everything ready to go! I cant wait to get up to Missouri. We still have a bit more to pack up, but it is all really starting to come together. Tomorrow David will head up to the unit and get completely cleared out there. After that we just have to focus on getting the house empty and cleaned up a bit.

Today David is going to be taking miss Constance to the doctor. I noticed her tonsils were red with white spots on them. She acts just fine, but we wanted to get it checked out before we get moved. I didnt want it to turn into something more while we are on the road or something. I am going to stay home with Ivy while she is napping and hopefully get a few more things around here done. I am lacking major energy right now, so hopefully after I eat some lunch it will get better.

I talked to the lady from housing in Leavenworth a couple of days ago, and she said we will have a house for sure, she just doesnt have an official list of addresses to know which ones for sure are available. We should be able to get a four bedroom though, and she did say they will be in either Osage or Ottawa villages on post, and those are the ones we wanted. We have everything on our end sent to her, so all we have to do now is get there and see which house we get!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Looking up!

Our housing prospects are looking up. We decided just to wait for on-post housing, instead of buying right now. I talked to the housing coordinator today and she said we may be able to move in on the 28th if not soon after that. She wont know anything for sure until next week when the roster comes out for all houses opening up soon. So I will call her either Monday or Tuesday and hopefully we will have an address and a move in date!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mud Bath Anyone?

Moving update!

Well there are only 16 days til our big move. Lots to do before then and after as well. I was supposed to have an ultrasound today. Im not sure what happened but I got the wrong appt time, so I missed it. They cant get me in before we move, but she did assure me it was only to get a few more pictures of her heart and there was nothing wrong. I called today and got an appt. set up with an OB doc in Leavenworth, and let them know all this info, so they will probably want to do one after we get there. My appt is the 28th, so we are going to make a day of it checking out the Leavenworth area and hopefully getting some more info on our housing situation. David is currently at his last clearing briefing where he will get all his paperwork so he can clear post here.

After the move we have a few things we are wanting to do with family. On October 3rd we are going to join my mom and other family for the Diabetes Walk. I am pretty excited to be able to do that. Then the next day we are headed to Branson with my mom and my grandma Vote for the day. I love Branson, so it should be a fun day. That's pretty much all the updates I have for now. Now its nap time. Both girls are cranky right now so I'm hoping they will both sleep and I am going to pack some more! Yeah for me!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

21 weeks

I had my appt today with my high risk doctor. He said Im not really high risk technically unless I am on medication for it and he did not want to put me on any. He said I am doing ok where I am just need to be very careful with what I eat. I asked him about the baby's size when she is born. The girls were both around 6 pounds so he said to expect maybe a pound or so bigger, but nothing major if I keep my diet under control. Thats good news to me. I dont know if I could handle a 10 pounder! lol Gina and Jenny, I dont know how you both did that! lol So anyways my uterus was measuring right at 21 cm, and her heartbeat was in the 170's. She is a very active baby all day. Im hoping this means after she is born she will be up more during the day and be a good sleeper at night, but you know that is just hopes and dreams! lol Next week is my ultrasound. I will post more ultrasound pics after I get them!

Friday, August 28, 2009


Ivys handprint! I thought these would be cute to scrapbook!Constance's handprint!

Ivy was REALLY getting into it! lol

blue fingers

Having fun!

I thought we needed a break from cleaning this morning, so we made some fingerpaints! It is super easy to make and super cheap too! You use flour and water until you get a paste and then just add food coloring to make whatever colors you want. The girls had a blast with it. Ivy got it everywhere including a nice big handprint on my face as I was getting her into the bath. lol
Oh and by the way there are only 26 days til we move!!!! I cant wait to get to the midwest. The south is just not for me!
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for miss Paige. I will keep everyone updated on everything that goes on. My next appt. is on the 2nd with a high risk doctor, and then the ultrasound is the 8th.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Follow-up ultrasound

20 weeks and 3 days
You know, this pregnancy has been nothing I was expecting. My first two pregnancies went very smoothly, no issues (except for a few pesky stretch marks)! This pregnancy, if its not one things, its another. The Doctor called and told me she wants a follow-up ultrasound. She wanted a few more pictures of the baby's heart. She assured me it was nothing to worry about. So I called to make the appt., and was told the dont have any open until the 24th. That is the day we move. So she said sorry I dont have any thing open any earlier. So I just thought, Ok I will just see if my new Dr. in KS wants to have another one done as soon as we get there. The lady I had talked to on the phone about getting an appt. called me back a few hours later and said that my dr. wanted me to have it before I leave and to get me in somewhere. So my ultrasound will be on the 8th. Im a little worried, even though she said nothing was wrong. So Im a little on edge right now. Im sure if she thought it we something serious she would have told me what it was. Maybe they just didnt take enough pictures of her heart or something. I dont know, but I do wish it were the 8th already, so we can know if she is fine or not. For anyone out there who prays, Im just asking that you pray for our little girl. That she will be born a healthy, thriving little girl.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gestational Diabetes

Yesterday afternoon I got a call from my doctor saying that I have gestational diabetes. I was a little shocked, and kind of upset about it all day yesterday. I am better about it today. I had a nutrition class and then a class on how to use my meter today. I learned ALOT. I thought I wasnt going to get to eat any sugar for the rest of my pregnancy, turns out though its not about the sugar. I just have to monitor my carb intake really carefully from now on. Its going to take a bit of getting used to writing down everything I eat and counting all the carbs, but its worth having a healthy baby.

I did learn today that my levels the day I had my glucose test were horrible. It was 222, and they like to see it under 135. So I was a bit off! lol Not good, but now I know how to try to control that. I am starting with my new diet today, and testing today. If my levels still stay abnormal they may put me on medication, but we will just take this one step at a time. We will just pray that everything turns out good, and hope the baby comes out healthy and not too big!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Things are coming together now!

Things are starting to come together now for our move. Finally! lol David got his orders last week. We needed those before we could really start anything else. So today I called housing. They are not going to have anything ready for us for when we get there. So now on to plan b, we are concidering buying a house. He is up for re-enlistment in October, so when he does that he can put in for request for duty station. We would just keep that Leavenworth, which means we would have like at least eight years there! So we should have someone calling us in the next couple days from Remax. We will see if that is the route we want to take after we talk to them.

We will be moving out of this house on the 24th. My dad and grandpa are going to be flying down here to help us out with the move. Once we are up there we will be staying with my Dad until we have a place. At least we will be close enough to family to be able to do that. Makes things ALOT less stressful to know that we have a place to stay if we dont have a place of our own right away. Also if we do end up buying or even renting we will be in the Leavenworth school district and Constance will be able to go to preschool! So that would be great. I will keep posting about our progress on our housing situation!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Its a girl!

Introducing Paige Victoria Singell! We are so excited to have another girl. Our family just feels right having girls. Growing up I always wanted boys, and now I dont think I would even know what to do with a boy! lol The ultrasound was alot of fun, and David got to go. We didnt get any good shots of her face because everytime the lady tried Paige would put her hands over her face! lol She did not want her picture taken! So cute! Yesterday afternoon we went and bought a cute pink sleeper! A friend of mine is getting a bunch of clothes from one of her friends for us too, so I cant wait to go through them! This just makes everything seem so much more real! 18 Weeks and 3 days
My mom and grandma came down for two days as well. We had alot of fun while they were here. The girls loved having someone else to play with I think! lol I really didnt even get to see much of my own kids! lol I am grateful for them coming though, cause if they didnt David would not have gotten to go to the Ultrasound. This is the one thing he has gotten to do with all three girls now.
Next on the adgenda is moving. We are looking at sometime the week of September 21st-25th. Thats not too long from now at all. We are getting a bunch of boxes this weekend and getting started on packing everything up! I love packing! NOT!

Monday, August 3, 2009

17 weeks!

I just got back from my prenatal appt. I had to take the girls with me, cause David could not leave work today and my friend was babysittinig for someone else. So I was a little nervous on how it would turn out! lol They did very good though. They sat the whole time and read books. They were really quiet and listening when we were listening to the baby's heartbeat. I was impressed on how good they did.

The baby sounded really good. Heartbeat was in the 160's again. Im still convinced its a girl :) Great thing is so far Ive only gained 2 pounds with this baby. Woohoo! lol I was totally expecting to see a higher number than I did! lol

So next week is our ultrasound. Not sure if David is going to get to go or not. He has some kind of training that whole week, but he is going to try to get out of it for a bit that day. I am keeping my fingers crossed. He got to go to both of the girls. If he doesnt, my mom and grandma will be here, so my mom will go with me. At least I know I have someone to go with me! As soon as we find out what we are having and make sure the baby is good and healthy, I will let the whole world know! lol

Monday, July 27, 2009


I havent been much for blogging lately. Not much going on here lately to blog about really. We are just waiting to get Davids orders in so we know exactly when we will move. Looks like it will be the end of September, but we cant plan anything til we have those orders in hand. Should be this week sometime. Im just looking forward to getting this move over with! We are going to start packing this weekend. I want to get a good headstart, so we dont have to do alot of last minute packing.

My mom and Grandma will be here on the 12th!!! And then our ultrasound is the next day! That is going to be an exciting week! I cant wait! Im leaning towards a girl. Just a feeling. I know everyone is wanting a boy this time, but I would be just as happy with another girl. We will hopefully know soon!

Thats pretty much all from us. Girls are doing great! David is doing great! Me and baby are doing great! And I have run out of things to talk about! Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Future Olympian!

Miss Constance is just amazing us with her swimming abilities! Its crazy! We didnt even really have to teach her anything. She just taught herself. She swims underwater better than I even can! She stood on the ladder the other day and did a perfect dive into the water. I told her she is our future olympian. This is something I definately want to keep up with her. You can just tell she is in her element in the water!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Paperwork in progress

Hopefully we will know for sure in the next couple of weeks if we get to move to Fort Leavenworth in September. He is going to try to put in for 45 days of leave. They told him no at first, but then they found out he has 65 days to use up so they said to go ahead and put in for it, there is a chance he could get it. I hope so. The sooner we get to move the better! We will miss our friends here, but they are going to be at Leavenworth in January, so it worked out great!

Today the girls and I are having a movie day. They get to take turns picking a movie to watch. We watched Pocahantas first, and now we are watching a Backyardigans dvd. David has CQ which is 24 hour duty today so he wont be home til tomorrow morning. I really dont like CQ days, but since he is a SGT now its a must. Oh well, part of the military life!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth Of July!!!!

I hope everyone has a great fourth with their families! We are going to the movies this afternoon to see Ice Age. Ivy has been wanting to see it ever since she saw previews for it. Im kinda looking forward to seeing it too. The first one was such a cute movie!
They are having a big fourth of July celebration on base today, but its supposed to be so hot and there will be soooo many people on base today cause its open to the public too. So I think we will just watch the fireworks from our backyard tonight. We cant do our own fireworks on base so I think we will stop and get some sparklers after our movie this afternoon. It should still be fun! I cant wait til next year when we will be in Missouri and get to do fireworks like we always have!
Happy Independance Day everyone!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Sorry I havent been posting much lately. Just havent been feeling the greatest. Yesterday was horrible. I couldnt get off the couch all day. David even had to come home and make lunch for us cause I just couldnt do it. So far today is much better. Still a little queezy, but nothing like yesterday. Still trying to take it slow though. I am now 12 weeks pregnant. My last week of the first trimester. Its really gone by pretty fast. I will have David take a belly pic tonight when he gets home.

The girls are doing good. It wont be long Constance will be in school. She will be going all day, so that will be a little adjustment for me and Daddy, but Im sure she will be fine with it. She talks to anyone so I know she wont be shy! lol We will take her up there to get her registered and everything towards the end of July.

Hope everyone has a great fourth of July this weekend. We are going to a free Dierks Bentley concert on base and then they do fireworks too. We arent allowed to do our own fireworks on base so that kinda stinks, but next year we will be close to home so we will have fun then!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sea World Pictures

Here are a few Sea World pictures. There are more good ones, but I dont have the energy to do it right now! lol On another note I am starting to feel better now. I still have some yucky moments, but they are getting to be less and less.

Sea World was great! Very hot and we didnt get to see everything we wanted to, but with young kids thats hard to do anyways. The girls LOVED the shamu show! Well heck, I did too! lol It was hot that day, but still wonderful. Made me want to go back to Disney World too! lol We are hoping to go back there in three of four years when all the kiddos are older! May be sooner if David has his way though! Me and Ivy at the dolphin show! She wouldnt look at the camera!
RJ fell asleep on his mommy! Too cute!


Kids at lunch time!

Dolphin Cove

Monday, June 22, 2009

Prenatal Appt.

Today was my first real prenatal appt. I am 11 weeks today. She wasnt sure if the baby would be big enough to hear the heartbeat yet, but we did! I was so happy to hear that little thump, thump, thump!! David and the girls were there too and so we all got to hear it for the first time! The heartbeat was in the 160's, so she said according to old wives tales, its a girl! lol We shall see!!

Right now is nap time so after that I will get some pictures posted that I have been meaning to do for awhile now! I promise!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Well our two weeks with David at school are finally at a close. He will be home tomorrow. They will have a big graduation ceremony so I will post pictures at some point. I havent been too much into the blogging lately. Just havent had the energy to do much lately. The last couple of days the morning sickness hasnt been too bad. Hopefully that is a sign that it will start getting better. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Saturday we are headed to Sea World. I cant wait to go! The girls are also very excited! Lets just hope it doesnt get entirely too hot while we are there!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Our little girl is turning four!!!

Tomorrow is mine and Constances birthday. She is so excited that she is turning four. The funny thing is we went to Walmart today to do a little shopping and I walked past the little girls section and there was a shirt that said "I am four" on it. I had to get her one, and of course I got Ivy one that says "I am two" on it! I will post a pic of her in it tomorrow. Here are a few pictures looking back through the last four years with our Constance! She has grown so much!!! Two weeks old!
Six months, gotta love those cheeks!!

First birthday!!!

Almost two!

third birthday!

Another from her third birthday!

This last Easter!
I will add her fourth birthday pictures tomorrow. She asked if we could make a cake so I got the stuff to make another one. Its a good excuse for me to eat cake anyways! lol

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

This is an old picture, but I love it! Today is Davids 25th birthday. Wish we could see him today, but we will get to see him on Thursday!

Happy Birthday my love!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Two Weeks

Well, it will be two weeks before we see David again. He has WLC school. Not sure what that stands for, but he has to have this school to get promoted to Staff Sergeant. From what I hear it will be pretty tiring. He has lots to do in these two weeks. The girls and I on the other hand, dont have much to do at all. Right now that sounds pretty good cause this week has been busy and my morning sickness is getting worse. So relaxing sounds great right now. In fact the girls and I are getting ready to head back to bed, we have been up since 4:30 this morning, and we are all tired!

Yesterday was my first OB appt. It went well. Just paperwork and bloodwork. My next appt. is on the 22nd, and then we will get to hear the heartbeat and get my exam. Im looking forward to that visit. Great news is that I will get to have the same Doctor that I had with Ivy. Im very excited about that because we loved her so much and she delivered her too, so I kind of feel that special bond with her. I mean how could you not feel that with the person who helps you deliver your child!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Early Birthday Party!!

First of all, look over at the side there. Our baby girl or boy is now an inch tall!!!! So big!!!

Yesterday we had Constance a small little birthday party. We were going to have friends over, but with Ivy being sick we thought we better just do it with just us. Good thing too, poor thing was sooo sick yesterday. She is doing a little better today, but not 100%. She is actually sleeping right now. Hopefully if she gets enough rest today she will feel better tomorrow. Anyways, Constance was very excited to have cake and open presents. She thinks yesterday was her birthday though!!! lol We had to do it early because David will be leaving in two days for a two week school. Its on base, but he wont be able to come home. So he wont be here for any of our birthdays. Good thing is he will be here for our anniversary. 5 years!!!! It will be our first anniversary we get to spend together so we are pretty excited for that. I think we are going to go out to lunch just the two of us! It will be our first date since he got home, so its much needed! Here is Constance while we were singing happy birthday!!!! Cant believe she is turning four already!!
Cake I made her! Daddy helped too!!

Grandma Ronda sent Ivy some gifts too. She got sick right after this picture, but she wouldnt put the recorder down the whole time!

big Sponge Bob coloring book. Sponge Bob is Constances new favorite! lol That will make her Uncle Brian proud!!!

Card from Grandma!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Apollo sure has been very protective lately. I had read that dogs can get that way when there is a pregnant woman in the house, but man I didnt think it would be this bad!!! He barks at everything now, and before he never barked at all! Everyday when David comes home from work he starts barking til he figures out who it is. I was babysitting a little boy the other day and he kept barking at him! He was only two!! lol The other night I was making dinner and the pot of water boiled over a little and he went nuts! Everytime I lay down in bed he gets in his bed next to me and wont get up until I get up, even when David is home! He is such a good dog, and I am so glad we got him! Last night he kept trying to sit in my lap. He isnt exactly a lap dog, and I dont think he will be able to even get up there in the near future and we will both be growing! lol

Monday, May 25, 2009

Our weekend!

Weve had a pretty fun weekend so far! David went fishing all day friday with his friends and got a pretty good sunburn to go with it! Saturday, was family day. We tried to camp in the backyard, but it started storming, so we headed back in around ten 0'clock that night. We tried! Then Last night we went to some friends house and played games. My friend Jessica got to sneak out and have ice cream cones, just us girls! That was kind of nice! lol Then today Ivy and I are here at home and Constance and David went fishing. She was soooo excited!!! Flower in our front yard! Not sure what kind it is, it was already planted here when we moved in, but I really like them!
Constance in the tent!

Ivy in the tent!

Constance fishing with Daddy, Lonnie, and Luke! They are still out there, this is the pic David sent me from his phone!

Here is an old picture of Constance getting her ears pierced. I just now got it off of my phone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!