Thursday, May 22, 2008

Having Fun!

Our pilot in the helicopter
A view of Table Rock!
Me and my hubby with our Ozark Mountain Helicopters shirts on!
Ivy Jewel
Constance at the zoo
Daddy and his girls
girls sitting on an elephant
me and Ivy on the carosell
me on the helicopter. I got one of David too, but my camera would not download it on the computer! :( We have a great one of us together that they took for us, but my scanner does not work. As soon as I get it scanned I will put it on here.

We are having lots of fun while David is home. Here are some pics of what we have been doing. I posted some of our helicopter tour as well. We just got back from spending four days up in Blue Springs. Speaking of Blue Springs, Yay for David Cook!!! Its so cool! Anyways, we had a good time up there. We went to the zoo and to Union Station. They have really added alot to the zoo since I last went. Last time I was there I was 6 months pregnant with Constance so its been awhile. The girls really had a blast, but were very tired by the end of each day! They did great in the hotel room. Went right to sleep at 8 each night. Anyways, here are some pics. Hope you enjoy them!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


We both have goofy grins on our faces!
Me and my honey!
Daddy and his girls!
lol, Ivy loves to be thrown around, and I got this great pic of them doing just that! She really is enjoying it!
David cooking up some good steak!

Here are some pics. Im sure all of you have been waiting patiently! lol

Its so great to have him home finally. Its been a great few days already. The girls are having lots of fun with thier Daddy! Yesterday David and I had a day to ourselves. It was much needed and soooo much fun. We went to Branson for the day. First we went to Ihop for breakfast, then we got lost for about 2 hours! That was fun! lol Then we finally found the helicopter place. We took an awsome helicopter tour of Branson. It was soooo much fun. Im so glad we did it. Next we went to see the Titanic museum. It was so cool. Amy you would love it! After that we went to lunch at Applebees. And last we stopped and David had two tattoos done. I designed them so I was excited for him to get them. He got the girls names done on his arms. It was a full day. but kinda nice to have a day for the two of us. Well enjoy the pics! I will add more later.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Here are a few pics of the girls I took with thier "daddy bears" and thier "welcome home daddy" shirts. We will leave here in about half an hour. I am just trying to keep myself busy until then so I dont run off to the airport and get there way too early! lol I am trying to contain my excitement, but its getting harder to do as time gets closer. So here are the pics I took. There is also one of the cake we made yesterday. Im not sure when I will post more, but trust me they will be on here! lol

David will be home today!

David e-mailed me last night and told me he was in Ireland. He should be in Atlanta right about now. Im hoping he will call and let me know for sure what time he will get in. Ok so I so just wrote that sentence and he called! Funny how that happens! Anyways he will be in around 3 this afternoon. Im so excited. I have been waiting for this day for a long time and its hard to believe that it is finally here!

In other news, Ivy was really sick last night. I noticed around 4 she wasnt acting like herself. She crawled up in my lap and just layed there for about half an hour. She never does this! She is always on the go. So I put her in bed for a short nap. Then after her nap she had a little fever and was still acting kinda tired. I put her to bed at 8 and then around 11:30 she woke up and she had thrown up all over herself and her bed. So we got that cleaned up and she went back to bed. Then at 3:30 she did it again. So we cleaned it up again and she sat with Grandma for a bit and then went back to bed. She didnt get sick again after that though and she slept until 8:30 which is late for her. She seems to be doing much better this morning though. She is running around her playing with Constance, and she doesnt have a fever anymore. So Im hoping that is the last we have seen of it.

Did anyone watch American Idol last night? I know Amy probably did. Well when they showed David Cook in Blue Springs they showed him at my Elementary school. That was so cool. My old music teacher, Mrs. Gentry, was on there too. I thought it was pretty neat to see part of my childhood on tv. Made me feel famous for about two seconds! lol Not really, but it was still pretty cool.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Can this day get any longer!

So David is not home yet. He called yesterday morning and said he was still in Iraq but was leaving soon. I havent heard from him since so Im guessing he is probably in an air plane somewhere headed this direction. The hard part is not knowing where he is and when he will be home. Very frustrating. Im trying to keep myself busy today though. The girls and I went earlier to wash the car and vacuum it really good. And I have been cleaning all day. Later we will make a cake and write on it Welcome Home Daddy! Its going to be hard not to eat it after it is done! lol Well hopefully we will get a call from him sometime today letting me know where he is and when he will be home. Im hoping we get to go pick him up in the morning! Keep your fingers crossed!

Monday, May 12, 2008

David will be home soon!

Me and my girls
Me and my mommy

Ivy Jewel
Constance being a princess

So, David e-mailed me this morning and said he should be home wednesday morning. Then he said he would call me this morning, but he never did so I am wondering if he got an earlier flight to Kuwait. He said yesterday that it was possible. Who knows. I am so looking forward to driving to the air port to get him! It wont be long now.

My mom just found out that she was approved to have the lapband surgery. I am so excited for her. I know this will be a great change in her life that she has wanted for a long time. I dont envy the food she has to eat though. Which is pretty much nothing! I could not do it! I love to eat too much! lol

We had a good Mothers Day here. We went to church sunday morning and then stayed home the rest of the day. It was nice being home just us girls! My mom and the girls got me a new dress, and we got her a blender! Its what she asked for. Now we really know it was a good gift since she is going to have the surgery!

Now I am just sitting here counting the hours, minutes, and seconds til David is home! Its been a long seven months.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Military Spouse Appreciation Day!

One of my good fellow military wives sent me this and I loved it so I thought I would share it with all of you.

I am a military wife, a member of that sisterhood of women who have had the courage to watch thier men go into battle, and the strength to survive until thier return. Our sorority knows no rank, for we earn our membership with a marriage liscence, traveling over miles, or over nations to begin a new life with our military husbands.

Within days, we turn a barren, echoing building into a home, and though our quarters are inevitably white-walled and unpapered, we decorate with the treasures of our travels, for we shop the markets of the globe.

Using hammer and nail, we tack our pictures to the wall, and our roots to the floor as firmly as if we had lived there for a lifetime. We hold our family together by the bootstraps, and raise the best of "brats", instilling in them the motto, "Home is Togetherness", whether motel or guest house, apartment or duplex.

As military wives we soon realize that the only good in "goodbye" is the "Hello Again". For as salesmen of freedom, our husbands are often on the road, at sea, or in the skys, leaving us behind, for a week, a month, an assignment. During seperation we gaurd the homefront, existing until homecoming.

Unlike our civilian counterparts, we measure time, not by years, but by tours- married at Knox, a baby born at Hood, a special anniversary at yorkstown, a promotion at Carson. We plant trees, and never see them grow tall, work on projects completed long after we have departed, and enhance our community for the betterment of those who come after us. We leave a part of us at every stop.

Through experience, we have learned to pack a suitcase, a car or hold baggage, and live indefinatly for the contents within. And though our fingers are sore from the patches weve sewn, and silver we have shined, our hands are always ready to help those around us.

Women of peace, we pray for a world in harmony, for the flag that leads our men into battle, will also blanket them in death. Yet we are also an optomistic group, thinking of the good, and forgetting the bad, cherishing yesterday, while anticipating tomorrow.

Never rich by monentary standards, our hearts are overflowing with a wealth of experiences common only to those united by the special tradition of military life. We pass on the legacy to every military bride, welcoming her with outstretched arms, with love and friendship, from one sister to another, sharing the bounty of our unique, fulfilling military way of life!

Ok I know that was long, but I think it is great. I am writing this in honor of Military Spouse Appreciation Day which was actually yesterday. I am a day behind! I want to say thank you to all my fellow military wives and husbands. New and veteran. We have to stand strong behind our husbands and wives as they fight this battle.

Ok in other news, David will be home next week sometime. Not sure which day yet. I will keep everyone updated when I hear from him next.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

tongue tied

Today I took Constance to the doctor for a check up and for her tongue tied problem. For those of you who dont know she is tongue tied. Which means the little flap of skin under her tongue goes all the way to the tip of her tongue where most of ours doesnt go that far forward. This makes it hard for her to make some sounds when she talks. Mostly her L's and sometimes T's and D's. I think we should get it taken care of before she starts preschool though so she doesnt have any problems communicating when she gets there. She also cant stick her tongue out at all and we dont want the other kids to make fun of her for it. So the doctor is supposed to call me back sometime soon with a date to have it done. They will sedate her and the clip the skin back as far as it needs to be. They said it should not bother her much after it is done. Im just hoping this will help her speech problem. She weighed in at 35 pounds today and 37.5 inches long. That puts her in the 75% for her weight and 50% for her height. She has really slowed down on the height part lately. I weighted and measured Ivy as well today. she is 28 pounds and 34 inches long. She is in the 95% for both. Constance used to be the same way when she was Ivys age, so Ivy may start to slow down in both areas as well. We will just have to wait and see!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Good Weekend

We had a really good weekend. Nice and relaxing. Saturday we were supposed to have a scrapbook day at the church but when we got there we found out they had changed the locks and we didnt have the right key to get in. So there went that idea! So we went back home and grabbed the girls and Rachel and went scrapbook shopping instead!!! lol We also went out to lunch. When we got home we had fun playing outside. Then I mowed part of the yard and my mom did the other part. This weekend we watched a TV special that we rented on Netflix. Its call Broken Trail. It was very good. Today my mom and I worked on the garden and we will get it finished tomorrow when she gets home from work. That was pretty much our weekend.

Now we just have to get through next week til we get to see David! I havent heard from him for 3 days and Im not sure why. So now I am getting really worried. I hope he calls tomorrow. If not I will really be on edge. I hate not being able to talk to him and not knowing when the next time I will hear from him will be. But I guess thats just part of the military life, and there is nothing I can do about that. Ok well I am going to go get ready for bed and then read for awhile. Good night to you all!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

blah blah!!!

Well Constance is getting sick. She has a little cold right now. Cough, running nose, and sneezing. She doesnt have a fever though so hopefully we can get rid of it before she does get one. She kept telling me this morning that she was sick but didnt have any of the symptoms, but this afternoon they hit all at once. She took at nap but didnt rest very well. She was having trouble breathing. Hopefully tonight she can get some good sleep.

There is not really anything else going on at the moment. Just counting down the days til David is home! 12 as of right now! Saturday we are having a scrapbook day at church so I am looking forward to getting some more of his Iraq pages done before he gets home. I would like him to see them. Next week I have my last dentist appt for awhile. All my teeth will be fixed except for getting my wisdom teeth out. I think I will wait on that for a couple of months. Not really looking forward to that one, but it needs to be done. I dont have to get all of them out just 3. So thats better than all four. Well its time to go finish up the laundry and get some other things done around here that I have been putting off!