Friday, August 28, 2009


Ivys handprint! I thought these would be cute to scrapbook!Constance's handprint!

Ivy was REALLY getting into it! lol

blue fingers

Having fun!

I thought we needed a break from cleaning this morning, so we made some fingerpaints! It is super easy to make and super cheap too! You use flour and water until you get a paste and then just add food coloring to make whatever colors you want. The girls had a blast with it. Ivy got it everywhere including a nice big handprint on my face as I was getting her into the bath. lol
Oh and by the way there are only 26 days til we move!!!! I cant wait to get to the midwest. The south is just not for me!
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for miss Paige. I will keep everyone updated on everything that goes on. My next appt. is on the 2nd with a high risk doctor, and then the ultrasound is the 8th.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Follow-up ultrasound

20 weeks and 3 days
You know, this pregnancy has been nothing I was expecting. My first two pregnancies went very smoothly, no issues (except for a few pesky stretch marks)! This pregnancy, if its not one things, its another. The Doctor called and told me she wants a follow-up ultrasound. She wanted a few more pictures of the baby's heart. She assured me it was nothing to worry about. So I called to make the appt., and was told the dont have any open until the 24th. That is the day we move. So she said sorry I dont have any thing open any earlier. So I just thought, Ok I will just see if my new Dr. in KS wants to have another one done as soon as we get there. The lady I had talked to on the phone about getting an appt. called me back a few hours later and said that my dr. wanted me to have it before I leave and to get me in somewhere. So my ultrasound will be on the 8th. Im a little worried, even though she said nothing was wrong. So Im a little on edge right now. Im sure if she thought it we something serious she would have told me what it was. Maybe they just didnt take enough pictures of her heart or something. I dont know, but I do wish it were the 8th already, so we can know if she is fine or not. For anyone out there who prays, Im just asking that you pray for our little girl. That she will be born a healthy, thriving little girl.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gestational Diabetes

Yesterday afternoon I got a call from my doctor saying that I have gestational diabetes. I was a little shocked, and kind of upset about it all day yesterday. I am better about it today. I had a nutrition class and then a class on how to use my meter today. I learned ALOT. I thought I wasnt going to get to eat any sugar for the rest of my pregnancy, turns out though its not about the sugar. I just have to monitor my carb intake really carefully from now on. Its going to take a bit of getting used to writing down everything I eat and counting all the carbs, but its worth having a healthy baby.

I did learn today that my levels the day I had my glucose test were horrible. It was 222, and they like to see it under 135. So I was a bit off! lol Not good, but now I know how to try to control that. I am starting with my new diet today, and testing today. If my levels still stay abnormal they may put me on medication, but we will just take this one step at a time. We will just pray that everything turns out good, and hope the baby comes out healthy and not too big!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Things are coming together now!

Things are starting to come together now for our move. Finally! lol David got his orders last week. We needed those before we could really start anything else. So today I called housing. They are not going to have anything ready for us for when we get there. So now on to plan b, we are concidering buying a house. He is up for re-enlistment in October, so when he does that he can put in for request for duty station. We would just keep that Leavenworth, which means we would have like at least eight years there! So we should have someone calling us in the next couple days from Remax. We will see if that is the route we want to take after we talk to them.

We will be moving out of this house on the 24th. My dad and grandpa are going to be flying down here to help us out with the move. Once we are up there we will be staying with my Dad until we have a place. At least we will be close enough to family to be able to do that. Makes things ALOT less stressful to know that we have a place to stay if we dont have a place of our own right away. Also if we do end up buying or even renting we will be in the Leavenworth school district and Constance will be able to go to preschool! So that would be great. I will keep posting about our progress on our housing situation!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Its a girl!

Introducing Paige Victoria Singell! We are so excited to have another girl. Our family just feels right having girls. Growing up I always wanted boys, and now I dont think I would even know what to do with a boy! lol The ultrasound was alot of fun, and David got to go. We didnt get any good shots of her face because everytime the lady tried Paige would put her hands over her face! lol She did not want her picture taken! So cute! Yesterday afternoon we went and bought a cute pink sleeper! A friend of mine is getting a bunch of clothes from one of her friends for us too, so I cant wait to go through them! This just makes everything seem so much more real! 18 Weeks and 3 days
My mom and grandma came down for two days as well. We had alot of fun while they were here. The girls loved having someone else to play with I think! lol I really didnt even get to see much of my own kids! lol I am grateful for them coming though, cause if they didnt David would not have gotten to go to the Ultrasound. This is the one thing he has gotten to do with all three girls now.
Next on the adgenda is moving. We are looking at sometime the week of September 21st-25th. Thats not too long from now at all. We are getting a bunch of boxes this weekend and getting started on packing everything up! I love packing! NOT!

Monday, August 3, 2009

17 weeks!

I just got back from my prenatal appt. I had to take the girls with me, cause David could not leave work today and my friend was babysittinig for someone else. So I was a little nervous on how it would turn out! lol They did very good though. They sat the whole time and read books. They were really quiet and listening when we were listening to the baby's heartbeat. I was impressed on how good they did.

The baby sounded really good. Heartbeat was in the 160's again. Im still convinced its a girl :) Great thing is so far Ive only gained 2 pounds with this baby. Woohoo! lol I was totally expecting to see a higher number than I did! lol

So next week is our ultrasound. Not sure if David is going to get to go or not. He has some kind of training that whole week, but he is going to try to get out of it for a bit that day. I am keeping my fingers crossed. He got to go to both of the girls. If he doesnt, my mom and grandma will be here, so my mom will go with me. At least I know I have someone to go with me! As soon as we find out what we are having and make sure the baby is good and healthy, I will let the whole world know! lol