Monday, June 22, 2009

Prenatal Appt.

Today was my first real prenatal appt. I am 11 weeks today. She wasnt sure if the baby would be big enough to hear the heartbeat yet, but we did! I was so happy to hear that little thump, thump, thump!! David and the girls were there too and so we all got to hear it for the first time! The heartbeat was in the 160's, so she said according to old wives tales, its a girl! lol We shall see!!

Right now is nap time so after that I will get some pictures posted that I have been meaning to do for awhile now! I promise!!


Unknown said...

Regardless what the baby is, we will love them unconditionally. It would be fun having a boy this go around, but maybe a baby girl is on her way to our hearts! I can't wait to meet our mystery guest in late December/early Jan! Grandma is busy on a baby blanket already!