Sunday, July 12, 2009

Paperwork in progress

Hopefully we will know for sure in the next couple of weeks if we get to move to Fort Leavenworth in September. He is going to try to put in for 45 days of leave. They told him no at first, but then they found out he has 65 days to use up so they said to go ahead and put in for it, there is a chance he could get it. I hope so. The sooner we get to move the better! We will miss our friends here, but they are going to be at Leavenworth in January, so it worked out great!

Today the girls and I are having a movie day. They get to take turns picking a movie to watch. We watched Pocahantas first, and now we are watching a Backyardigans dvd. David has CQ which is 24 hour duty today so he wont be home til tomorrow morning. I really dont like CQ days, but since he is a SGT now its a must. Oh well, part of the military life!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Unknown said...

I am so excited. I hope it all pulls together and you will be so much closer. In case, Grandma needs a weekend fill of those girls!