Monday, May 25, 2009

Our weekend!

Weve had a pretty fun weekend so far! David went fishing all day friday with his friends and got a pretty good sunburn to go with it! Saturday, was family day. We tried to camp in the backyard, but it started storming, so we headed back in around ten 0'clock that night. We tried! Then Last night we went to some friends house and played games. My friend Jessica got to sneak out and have ice cream cones, just us girls! That was kind of nice! lol Then today Ivy and I are here at home and Constance and David went fishing. She was soooo excited!!! Flower in our front yard! Not sure what kind it is, it was already planted here when we moved in, but I really like them!
Constance in the tent!

Ivy in the tent!

Constance fishing with Daddy, Lonnie, and Luke! They are still out there, this is the pic David sent me from his phone!

Here is an old picture of Constance getting her ears pierced. I just now got it off of my phone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!


Unknown said...

I believe those are Cannas in your front yard. I love the pic of Constance in the boat!