Sunday, August 31, 2008

Princess Jasmine!!!

Constance(aka Princess Jasmine)
Doesnt she match well!!! lol

For the last couple of days Constance has decided her new name is Princess Jasmine. She likes to pull her shirt up and show her belly! lol I got a hair tie and tied it up in the back for her so it will stay up. Then she stands with her hand on her hip and sticks her little hip out. Its the funniest thing. She now calls me the Genie, Grandma is Alladin, and Ivy is Jafar! lol Oh the imaginations of three year olds!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Everyone is sick!

Seems like the girls and I can not stop getting sick with something. If its not one thing its another. I went to the doctor on Thursday morning and she confirmed that I did have pink eye. I got some drops for it. Its just now starting to look a little better. The girls have not showed signs of having it, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Last night around 11:30 Constance woke up coughing really bad. She was wheezing so bad, and acted like she could not breath. So we got dressed and headed to the ER. They said it was just a cough and nothing serious. Seemed serious to me! lol She did get a breathing treatment though, which seemed to help break it up in her chest a little. We did not get home until 2:30 in the morning. We were both exhausted and went right to sleep when we got home. She seems to be doing much better today, although I went ahead and kept her home from school in hopes she would get a really good nap in today. Well she didn't, but I did! lol I don't know whats wrong with me now, but I feel horrible. Really shaky and light headed. Who knows! Ivy had a bad runny nose and cough for a while, but luckily she is doing much better now. Hopefully next week is a much better week for us!

I talked to David yesterday morning. He said that they were having a big awards ceremony, and he was supposed to get one. They would not tell him what he was getting though. I guess they wanted to surprise him! He was supposed to let me know after that what he got, but I still have not heard from him. They must have sent him on another mission or something. Oh well, I will let you all know when I hear from him.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pink eye :(

Oh..... What a day, what a day! So I think I have pink eye. I noticed it yesterday. My eye was itchy, red, and droopy looking. Wasnt sure what it was. When I woke up this morning my eye was glued shut with gunky stuff. Gross I know, but there it was! I could not open it at all. So I got a warm wet washcloth and put it on there for a bit, and that helped. Once I got that taken care of I looked in the mirror. It was much more droopy looking today. Its like half the size of the other one. So needless to say, I look a little silly! lol I read online all the symptoms to see if thats what it was and I have every one they described. It said you can have flu like symptoms as well. I have definatly felt very draggy today. I made a dr appt for tomorrow morning, so hopefully I can get something to help it. I just pray that I dont pass it on to the girls.

My mom had her surgery today. She wrote about it on her blog. Ill skip all the details cause everyone that reads mine, reads hers as well. And because I am super tired. lol I will say that she is not feeling nearly as bad as she did with the last surgery, so that is a very good thing. So now I am off to bed, and hopefully my eye is not swollen shut in the morning!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Potty Training

Potty training miss Ivy has turned out to be pretty easy so far. Today she only had two accidents and went in the potty four times. Thats pretty good for a 20 months old. I was expecting a hugh battle. With Constance it was, so I was expecting the same with Ivy. Im really suprised at how fast she is catching on. The thing we really need to work on now is getting her to tell me she needs to go. I have just been taking her often and then she will go, but hopefully she will catch on to this and learn how to tell when she needs to go. That may take a little time. We shall see!

Constance is sick right now. She has had a fever on and off for a couple of days now. If she is still sick on monday I am taking her to the doctor. Hopefully it will pass, and she will be just fine. Sometimes she is active and acts like she is feeling fine, and other times she just doesnt look like she feels good at all. Im trying to keep lots of fluids in her and making her rest alot. Its hard to get a three year old to do that though!

Tonight we watched the movie Vantage Point. It was pretty good. One that you have to sit and really watch or you will be very lost. Yesterday we watched a movie called The Ultimate Gift. It was awsome. Very eye opening into how you live your life. Ok, thats enough of my critic side of me. I am off to bed!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ivy Jewel

LOL!!! priceless!
Ivy eating her yogurt!

I decided to do a blog about Ivy since the last few have mostly been about Constance. First thing I need to say is SHE PEED!!!!!!!!! She went pee pee in the potty for the first time tonight. She was sitting there and I just figure it was going to be like the rest of the times I took her and we were dancing and singing "Ivy goes pee pee" and all of the sudden she stopped and got this funny look on her face. Then she looked down there and pointed. Then she went. I may have scared her for a second there though cause when I yelled "Yay!!!" she stopped, but then she started right back up again. I was so excited!

I added a couple shots of her that I took this week. The second one is of her eating her breakfast. I left the room for two seconds and found her covered in yogurt. That was a mess. The other one is of her after her sister threw a bunch of dirt all over her. It was so funny. I just had to snap some pictures of both times!

Lets see, her vocabulary is expanding every day. Today she learned the words door, bowl, and apple. She is just growing so super fast. A little too fast if you ask me, but I am excited to have both of the girls potty trained. That will be really nice.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Not much going on with us, I just thought I would blog since it had been a few days. Constance is doing good with school. Only issue we are having is when I drop her off she cries and wont let go of my leg. Her teacher said that she is just fine as soon as I leave the room though. I am starting to get more and more out of her about what she does during the day. The first couple days she wouldnt tell me a thing! lol Today she told me she learned a song about the days of the week. All she will sing for me though is "days of the week!" lol So I am helping her learn them now.

I found some "training" panties for Ivy. We have been consistantly potty training for the last two days now. Nothing has happened yet, but as she sits on the potty I am teaching her the different word we use with potty training. She knows how to say stinky, dirty, and pee pee so far. Shes got everything down, but the actual peeing in the potty part. I think once she gets that though it wont take her long to get it down. She seems to be picking this up pretty fast, and it helps that Constance is potty trained and she can watch her.

So it looks like we will be moving to Texas either in November or December. There is a good chance now that David will be coming home sooner than we thought. Not getting my hopes up too much just in case he doesnt though. So thats not too much longer now.

In about 3 weeks Brian and Codie will be here to visit. I cant wait!!! We are going to Branson for two days. We are renting a cabin and going to the Titanic museum the first day. then the second day we are going to Silver Dollar City. So that should be lots of fun. Well thats all Ive got for now! Ill update more when I actually have something to update!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Sitting in front of the fountain
Me and Constance
Rachel and Constance
Constance being silly with her sheild on top of her head!
The Backyardigans!!!

Today I took Constance to see Backyardigans Live. Rachel went with us as well. Constance had a blast watching the show. She is getting to be so big now. She watched the whole thing, and was asking questions about what was going on, and just interacting more. I love seeing that. Here are some pictures from our day!

Friday, August 15, 2008

School yesterday

Constance says she had alot of fun yesterday at school. When I asked her what she did she replied that she went down the slide a little bit, had a snack and chocolate milk, stepped on footprints, read a story book, and went potty and washed her hands. Sounds like a pretty productive day if you ask me!

Miss Ivy is 20 months old today. I cant believe in 4 months she will be two already. This last year seems to have gone by so fast. This morning I was holding the wipes and she came up to me and said "Want one" Thats the first time Ive heard that one. So I gave her one and she proceeded to wipe her bottom! lol

I kinda decided to put a hold on the potty training thing for awhile since the last time I posted about it. She got the sitting on the potty and wiping part. She also told me everytime she was wet or dirty, but she just wasnt getting the doing it in the potty part, so I decided to wait a bit. I think next week we will start again. I have her here for 3 hours all to herself each day now while Constance is at school, so I think that will be a great time to start for now. We shall see how that goes!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First day of school!!!

Today was Constance's first day of pre-school. She was such a big girl! After the teacher got there all the kids were told to line up, and she went right up there and stood in line. It was soooo cute. I cant wait to hear about what she has been doing today. Its hard to let go, but I know this is going to be really good for her. After we dropped her off, we took Grandma Vote back home, and then Ivy and I went grocery shopping. Ivy was so wild in the store. She is not normally like that! She was pulling things off the shelf, and yelling really loud. Then at one point she took her shoe off and threw it on the floor. I bent down to pick it up and she kicked me in the face! I dont think she meant to, but it hurt! lol Anyways, I will go pick Constance up at 3. I will blog later tonight about her first day!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back To School Night!

My big girl!

Today was a busy day. My grandpa had the cancer removed from his hand. Luckily it was just in one little spot. I was very brave and they let me watch the whole thing. I got a little queezy, but not too bad. The cut around the area and then he took the knife and cut under the skin to remove it. The he stitched it all up. I got to see the muscle and everything. It was kinda cool to watch. Hopefully this is all that is needed and it doesnt come back.

After I got home, I got Constance ready to go to Back to School night. She was so excited to go. As we turned the corner and she saw her school, she yelled " There it is Mommy! My school, My school!!!" lol We got to see all the kids she will be in class with. I dont honestly think she even remembered I was in the room too! She just went around playing with the kids and talking to her teacher. She kept going around saying " Miss Angel, where are you??" lol After I got to talk to her teacher, we had to go. She so did not want to. She started crying and saying "Mommy I want to stay at pre-school!" So I think she will do just fine on Thursday. I am still a little sad, but she is ready to spread her wings! Mommy just needs to learn how to let her baby grow up a little! Gosh, when Ivy goes to pre-school what am I going to do?? lol

Monday, August 11, 2008

I uploaded one of my scrapblog pages to snapfish the other day and ordered a 4x6 and a 5x7 just to see how they would turn out. They both turned out awsome. So if any of you do one you really like you can get it printed that way for really cheap. I did this one of David and I framed the 5x7 with a black frame. Looks really great. Next I am going to try an 8x10 just to see how it will turn out in that size. I will let you all know when I get it done.

This week is going to be very busy for us. Nothing much today though, my grandparents are coming over to visit for a bit. Then tomorrow my grandpa has surgery to remove the cancer from his hand. So I will be going with him for that. Tomorrow night Constance has "back to school night" at school. She will get to meet her teacher and see all the kids she will be in class with. So that should be fun. Then thursday is her first day of school :(. Not sure if Im ready for that or not, but here we go! Saturday she and I and Rachel are going to see Backyardigans Live. This is her present for being such a big girl and going to school. I cant wait to see her face when she first sees the Backyardigans. She has loved them since she was itty bitty!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Being an Army Wife...

Tonight I missed Davids call. I get so frustrated when I do that. I usually have my phone glued to me at all times and then the few times I forget to grab it, he calls. Happens everytime. I know he gets frustrated too, understandably. I just hope he gets to call back soon.

I watched the first season of Army Wives the other night for the first time. Loved it! Everything really hits home. I am very proud to be an army wife, but it is a very hard and lonely job at times. I just want him to come home, and we can go on a long vacation. No people around. Just be the four of us. I miss that. I miss snuggling up on the couch at night with him. I miss the four of us going on walks everyday. I miss watching him tuck the girls into bed at night.

Yay!! He just called. Im happy now!