Saturday, April 5, 2008


Iraq page
Brians military picture
Constance and Grandma page
another Iraq page. This was my fav that I did today.
My mom, Gina, and Jenny
Me and Gina
Me and my Mom
Jenny concentrating hard!
Ivys first birthday page. I have many more of those to do!

Here are some pics from our scrap day today. There were only four of us there but it was a nice day. I got about 11 pages done. I need to do more. I ordered about 200 more pictures and they should be here on monday! I cant wait, but that means I have any more to do! I just love being able to capture all these wonderful memories. I love to look back at them and see how much the girls have grown, and know that when they are older they can look back at them and enjoy them like I do now.

In other news Ivy is getting two more teeth in. She has been a little cranky the last couple of days. Hopefully they come through soon though.


The Cox Family said...

11 pages! Wow, you inspire me! Sure wish I could have stayed longer yesterday -- but it did get me motivated to do more -- now if I can just make the time and find the energy. I had good intentions of staying up last night after the boys went to bed to scrap -- but I fell asleep at 9! :)

Unknown said...

Love your pages Heather, you are artistic just like your mom!!!

Amy said...

Looks like you girls had fun! Great pages!