Sunday, April 27, 2008

Im bored!!

Man, could these days go any slower!!! There are only 15 days now til David gets home and it still feels like an eternity! He called today and said that he has his suit test for EOD tomorrow. I cant wait to hear how he does on it. He was also recommended for a Bronze Star which is a pretty big deal. He said usually only guys higher in rank get it so he is pretty excited about it. He was also recommended for a battlefield promotion. Let me explain what that means for non-military folk!! lol He is up for promotion right now, but has to have so many points to get promoted. The points are set pretty high at the moment and he has been doing some extra work to get them up there. Well a battlefield promotion means that he can get promoted without having enough points. To get one you have to basically do exceptional on the "battlefield" like it says. So needless to say I am very proud of him for both things. Well all three including the EOD thing as well. This is a big step in his military career and one I think he has been ready for for a long time. Im excited to see where our lives take us next. Thats the one thing with the army life. You never know where you will be living next. At times unnerving and also exciting. So if he gets the EOD we will be in Florida like I said before and who knows after that. David mentioned Alaska when we talked today but Im not so sure about that one. Its so cold there! I like Florida better!!! lol


Ron said...

It is tough to wait. I am praying for David, you and the kids.

May God bless you during this time.

Ren said...

We have friends that were stationed in Alaska for 7 1/2 years and they absolutley loved it. When we lived in Germany there use to be a saying..people save up all thier lives to visit---for 2 weeks, but in the military we are getting paid to live here for --years. Enjoy living in all the beautiful parts of our country.Those are places you may never have gotten to be in.