Monday, March 31, 2008

What a fun morning!

Well I posted earlier this morning about all the storms we are having. Well not long after that the girls and I found ourselves in a yucky, wet, storm cellar. There was a tornado in a town close to us and the wind was really starting to pick up here. So I grabbed the bag i made up of candles, blankets, and food ect.... and I threw it into the cellar with a chair to sit on. At this point it starts hailing so I run and grab the girls and throw blankets on thier heads. We were soaked by the time we got in the cellar. I got them situated and then lit a candle. After that I got the door shut. The thing weighed a ton! The girls were crying at this point, but the calmed down after I got the door shut. After a few min it started to calm down outside. I was a little freaked out though because the landlord told us he thinks there is a snake that lives in the cellar. I never saw it thank goodness. Constance sat in the chair the whole time telling me the thunder was coming and I stood holding Ivy. I was standing in about an inch of water and it was soaking through my shoes! After about 20 min I called my mom and she said it had pretty much passed over us so I decided to get us back in the house. We were so wet! At least it wasnt really cold outside on top of that. There are supposed to be more storms this afternoon but hopefully we wont have to go back out there. EVER!


The Cox Family said...

I laughed out loud at this post -- the part about the snake that lives there but you not seeing him -- really got me. I would have freaked -- don't do well in storms anyway and I don't do snakes either! You make me proud -- braving the storms and the cellar! :)

Amy said...

That sounds really scary. I'm glad you were prepared with supplies. Thank goodness you didn't have to see the snake. I just hope it doesn't live there anymore. I hope that will be the last time you will have to do that!