Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Well I went to the dentist today. I have gone a few times since I have been in Missouri. I have had bad teeth since the day they came in! Its a curse! Anyways I am taking the time while David is gone to get them all fixed. We are almost done. Im glad. Its been a long road so far. Today I got a temporary crown today on one tooth and preped to have a permanent one made. Doesnt sound like much but the things they did to me hurt!! I used to be scared to death to go to the dentist but I have gotten over that fear now. I figure if I want healthy teeth I need to get over it and im glad I did!

Well in about three hours David is going to the promotion board. I know he will do well. I think he is a little stressed about it and everything else that is going on over there, so I know he will be glad to have this over with. He should call me in the next hour or so. Its always nice to get that call before I go to bed.

I am putting a scrapbook page I did on here. I did it a couple of nights ago and Im pretty happy with how it turned out. The picture is a little dark, Im not sure why though. Oh well.


Amy said...

Good for you for going to the dentist. I haven't been in about 4 years. Knowing what you know about your teeth I hope you take the girls on a regular basis. We don't have any excuses with our military insurance. I keep telling myself I need to go, but it just keeps getting put off. I went every 6 months all my life. Now I am afraid when I go they are going to find tons of things wrong! That is a cute scrapbook page. Do you use rechargeable batteries? When they get too old, or lose power they can make your pictures dark.