Thursday, March 13, 2008

Back online again!

Ok so I am back online again. I have been having some major problems just getting our internet to work! Very frustrating. I ended up getting rid of the dial up and switching to sat. internet. Its nice. Very fast.

So anyways the only new news I really have is that I got my hair cut and highlighted yesterday. I got 10 inches cut off!!! I just needed a change. I really like it. I am going to post some pics on here this afternoon when the girls are napping. Sunday we are taking the girls to the circus. Last time I went to the circus was with Amy and her dad. Wow what memories!! She knows what I am talking about! lol Anyways Constance is very excited about it. She wants to see the lions and elephants and clown cars she says. lol. She is getting so big! I cant believe she is going to be 3 soon! that just seems crazy to me. They really do grow up so fast.

Pics to be posted later today!


Ronda said...

I am sooooooooooooooo glad you have contact with the outside world now! I know you are excited about getting to talk to David more! See you tonight!

Ren said...

I can't wait to see your hair. I have been thinking of cutting mine too. It hasn't been this long in about 15 years.

Unknown said...

I am anxious to see your new hair cut. I've been thinking about doing something different with mine, just haven't decided what to do with it yet.