Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Yesterday afternoon we went to the park to play for a little while. Its just a short walk from our house and the girls have lots of fun there. Apollo does too, there is a little creek next to it that he likes to play in. He has grown so much just since he has been here. He has learned to sit when told, and now we are working on shaking hands. We got him some Rachel Ray dog treats and he loves them! They are peanut butter flavor! Here are a few pics from the last couple of day. Apollo loves to sit on Ivys lap now. Now that he figured out he can get on the couch we have to move him over anytime we want to sit down! Hes become quite the couch potato.

playing at the park

Ivy on the slide

constance on the slide( I love this pic of her, it turned out so cute!)


Unknown said...

Boy Apolla has grown so much already. Looks like he is fitting in just fine with the family. Loved the pictures of the girls and also of Constance's date with Daddy, Those were pretty good!!!!

Unknown said...

Love the one of Ivy with the huge black animal sitting on her. They will be life long buddies! The park pics are too cute!