Thursday, May 22, 2008

Having Fun!

Our pilot in the helicopter
A view of Table Rock!
Me and my hubby with our Ozark Mountain Helicopters shirts on!
Ivy Jewel
Constance at the zoo
Daddy and his girls
girls sitting on an elephant
me and Ivy on the carosell
me on the helicopter. I got one of David too, but my camera would not download it on the computer! :( We have a great one of us together that they took for us, but my scanner does not work. As soon as I get it scanned I will put it on here.

We are having lots of fun while David is home. Here are some pics of what we have been doing. I posted some of our helicopter tour as well. We just got back from spending four days up in Blue Springs. Speaking of Blue Springs, Yay for David Cook!!! Its so cool! Anyways, we had a good time up there. We went to the zoo and to Union Station. They have really added alot to the zoo since I last went. Last time I was there I was 6 months pregnant with Constance so its been awhile. The girls really had a blast, but were very tired by the end of each day! They did great in the hotel room. Went right to sleep at 8 each night. Anyways, here are some pics. Hope you enjoy them!


The Cox Family said...

Glad you are having such good family times. That zoo sure looks like it beats the Dickerson Park Zoo! :) We're taking the boys to the St. Louis zoo in mid June -- they have a new dinosaur exibit that Tristan should flip over.