Sunday, May 4, 2008

Good Weekend

We had a really good weekend. Nice and relaxing. Saturday we were supposed to have a scrapbook day at the church but when we got there we found out they had changed the locks and we didnt have the right key to get in. So there went that idea! So we went back home and grabbed the girls and Rachel and went scrapbook shopping instead!!! lol We also went out to lunch. When we got home we had fun playing outside. Then I mowed part of the yard and my mom did the other part. This weekend we watched a TV special that we rented on Netflix. Its call Broken Trail. It was very good. Today my mom and I worked on the garden and we will get it finished tomorrow when she gets home from work. That was pretty much our weekend.

Now we just have to get through next week til we get to see David! I havent heard from him for 3 days and Im not sure why. So now I am getting really worried. I hope he calls tomorrow. If not I will really be on edge. I hate not being able to talk to him and not knowing when the next time I will hear from him will be. But I guess thats just part of the military life, and there is nothing I can do about that. Ok well I am going to go get ready for bed and then read for awhile. Good night to you all!