Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ivy Jewel

LOL!!! priceless!
Ivy eating her yogurt!

I decided to do a blog about Ivy since the last few have mostly been about Constance. First thing I need to say is SHE PEED!!!!!!!!! She went pee pee in the potty for the first time tonight. She was sitting there and I just figure it was going to be like the rest of the times I took her and we were dancing and singing "Ivy goes pee pee" and all of the sudden she stopped and got this funny look on her face. Then she looked down there and pointed. Then she went. I may have scared her for a second there though cause when I yelled "Yay!!!" she stopped, but then she started right back up again. I was so excited!

I added a couple shots of her that I took this week. The second one is of her eating her breakfast. I left the room for two seconds and found her covered in yogurt. That was a mess. The other one is of her after her sister threw a bunch of dirt all over her. It was so funny. I just had to snap some pictures of both times!

Lets see, her vocabulary is expanding every day. Today she learned the words door, bowl, and apple. She is just growing so super fast. A little too fast if you ask me, but I am excited to have both of the girls potty trained. That will be really nice.