Friday, October 17, 2008

Carving Pumpkins!!!!!

So the girls and I went ahead and carved some pumpkins. Well, lets just say I carved them and they watched. I was all ready for them to help too!!! Ivy would not stick her hand in, she just wanted to look. Constance stuck her hand in once, and then got mad cause it was sticky! So I got to pull all the fun sticky stuff out all by myself this year! As I was doing this Constance was telling her sister to eat the pumpkin. So im up to my elbow in slime and Ivy is licking the pumpkin! lol

They both got cleaned out and carved though. I didnt want to do the traditional pumpkin faces this year so I found some pictures on the internet of some fun ones. Then I just drew them on the pumpkin and did it that way. They turned out pretty cute I think.

I have been going through all of our clothes today and getting rid of things that are too small now or we dont wear anymore. I got two trash bags full! So I will be taking them to a local charity place here. Lots of good kids clothes in there. I guess it hasnt really hit me yet that we will be moving soon. It all happened so fast, I havent had much time to get into that frame of mind. I have been packing though. It shouldnt take me too long to do. Tomorrow though is going to just be a fun day. No packing or worrying about moving. My dad is coming down and we are all going to Nathan Boones. Its like a reenactment place from before civil war times. My Aunt, Uncle, and cousin are involved in it, so we are going to go make a day of it. I will post pictures tomorrow!


Unknown said...

Your pumpkins look great!! Looks like lots of fun.

The Cox Family said...

Cool pumpkins! I'm in search of a dinosaur pattern...