Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Glitter Globe

Constance had an art project for homework last night. We actually did it this morning though. She is more willing to do it in the mornings rather than at night. Anyways, she had to make a glitter globe. It turned out pretty cute. It is supposed to show how the oil and rubbing alcohol dont mix. She doesnt understand that though, she just thinks it is pretty! lol Anyways here are the directions.


rubbing alcohol

vegetable oil

a plastic container ( like a plastic bottle or anything you can find)

small beads, sequins, glitter, or any other tiny, shiny objects

food coloring (we used kool-aid)

clear tape(if you want)


1. fill about 1/4 of bottle with rubbing alcohol. Add food coloring

2. Pour oil into jar, leaving about 1/2 at the top for air. Let the globs of oil settle.

3. Drop your shiny objects into the bottle. Dont use anything too heavy.

4. After all the objects are in the jar, fill the rest with oil. All the way to the top.

5. Screw the lid on tight. Put tape around the lid to prevent any leaks.

6. Gently shake the bottle. The oil and alcohol will mix and turn a milky color, and the beads and glitter will float and spin.

7. Let the oil settle again. This will take about 5-10 minutes. Now spin the jar instead of shaking, and see what happens!!!


Anonymous said...

IT looks great. I love you all
