Wednesday, January 9, 2008

So sleepy!

For some reason today I am soooo sleepy. I would love to have a day to just sleep in as long as i want. David and I used to switch days on the weekend to sleep in so I guess I have to wait 13 more months! lol I have done a few more scrapbook pages. I got a few things at Hobby Lobby yesterday so I had to try them out! Today I am going to start a new excersize plan. I need to get into shape! I dont really want to lose weight just tone everything up. Hopefully I can lose a couple of inches by the time David gets home on leave. I cant wait to take the girls to Disney World. It is going to be so fun! I never realized how much there is to do for thier age group there. I was looking online and they have a little tots section that shows everything they can do. That way we can plan out what we are going to do before we get there. Well Ivy is getting a little mad at me for being on here so I need to get off for now. Hope everyone has a good day!