Monday, November 24, 2008

New Bedtime

Well our new bedtime was semi-successful. Its going to take a bit of time for her to get used to. She didnt make it til eight last night. We got to about 7:20 and she started having a melt down, which is a sure sign she is ready for bed. I tried to drag out our bed time routine. Drink some milk, Brush teeth, go potty, then get in bed and read a book. Then I had to find the cat, she wont sleep without her now. So she fell asleep a little before eight. Im just going to keep trying to get closer to the eight mark each night.

This morning she woke at six. She wanted a drink and to go potty, so then I layed her back down. She actually went back to sleep for about 45 minutes. So we all ended up waking around 7:20. That is much better compared to five! Hopefully we can get into a good routine that is more consistant.