Sunday, November 11, 2007

Veterans Day

First of all I want to say Happy Veterans Day to all the men and women out there that fight and have fought for all of our freedom. It is an amazing thing that you all do. This morning at church they honored all the veterans there. They had a slide show and had Davids and Brians pictures up there as well. It was a very emotional day for me. I am so amazingly proud of both of them, I cant even put it into words. I dont know what David is feeling now as he is over there, but I do know for sure it is really hard on us here having him gone. I am having a lot harder time the second time around. We have grown so much as a family and now it seems like we have to put all that on hold. It just gets very hard at times and very lonely, but I must be strong for the girls and especially for my husband. He needs me here to keep everything as normal as I can. Its a big job, but its my job and for that I am proud. If you read this honey I love you and miss you lots. Hugs and kisses from me and the girls! xoxoxoxo.


airman's_sweetie said...

You are such an inspiration as a fellow military wife. You have handled all of this so well and I admire you for it. David and the girls are lucky to have a wife and mom like you!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you are having a hard time with David being gone. It must be such a struggle, but you are strong, and you will make it. Will you be able to hear from David? Do you know how communications will be? Know that my love and thoughts are with you and the girls.

Anonymous said...

Hey sweet heart I love you and miss you You make me a proud husband know I have agreat wife at home waiting on me! Love lots