Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lock in, Voting, and Chocolate!

What a day it has been so far. It started off pretty good. We all got up at around 7:30 and got dressed and then i got on the computer and was talking to David for a bit. Then I saw that Constance had shut Ivys bedroom door with Ivy inside so I got up to go let her out and one of them had locked it from the inside!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I was freaking out a little. My baby was stuck in her room and i didnt know how to get her out! So I got ahold oh my grandparents and they said they would come over to help me take the door off its hinges. I tried everything while they were on thier way to get it open but nothing worked. At first she was just playing in there and didnt seem to care she was all by herself but then it dawned on her that she could not get out. So then she was screaming. Luckily they got here and we got the door unhinged. She was looking at us like what is going on here. lol. It was comical after it was all over.

After that drama I went to vote. It felt nice to know that even my one vote can make a difference. So I am happy that I have the chance to get to vote. So after lunch we then made some cookies. Its a yucky rainy day here so I thought that was something fun we could do. I had some butter cookies in the fridge so i was just going to make those. Then I thought well we have chocolate too. So I melted that and made chocolate cookie sandwiches. Then I drizzled the remaining chocolate over them and sprinkled them with powdered sugar. Oh my are they good!

Hopefully the rest of the day is not so exciting as this morning!


Ronda said...

Isn't motherhood so fun! You better save me a couple cookies!

Love you! MOM

The Cox Family said...

The cookies look yummy!

Also enjoyed the snow pics on your previous post. :)