Ive been lazy about blogging lately, but I thought I better at least get one in before we move. It might be long, there has been alot that has happened. Ok, I will start with the housing problems I have been dealing with. Oh man, I tell ya, I have never been so frustrated in my life! I called every morning this week to see if our house was ready for moving into yet. Everyday the answer was no. Even today they said call back tomorrow. So I was very upset this morning about it because I have heard that for a week. I just knew they would tell me at the last minute and I would not be able to get there in time. If I didnt get there in time they would give it to someone else and we would go to the back of the list again. So, I was ranting and raving to David about it(sorry hon!), and I get a call from the housing company. She says, I left a message on your phone yesterday(never got a message) that our house was ready yesterday and I needed to sign for it today at the lastest or we lose the house! Crap!!!! I was like, well thats impossible, so what do I do. She said "oh, well I can fax you the lease and you can sign it and just fax it back and you will be good to go!" I was like, and you couldnt tell me that last week! I havent slept all week cause I was so worried about this! I mean geez! So anyways, I got it signed, and the fourth fax number she gave me finally worked! figures! lol So all I have to do monday is go pick up the keys. I cant wait til we are finally there, and I can breath again. After that, we just need to get David home.
Speaking of David, today has been exactly a year since he left for Iraq. I knew this day was coming, but in all the drama with getting this house I forgot until later on today. Wow, a year without my love. Its been a long one, I can tell you that. The saying, you dont really know how much you love someone til they are gone really is true. He is my rock, and I feel so vulnerable without him here with me. I know the girls miss him too. Only a couple more months though, and he will be here with us! I cant wait for that day. Ive been dreaming of it since the day he left. Now I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Today was Constances last day of school. I dont think she really understands that though. I tried telling her, but it was too hard to tell her she will never see her friends again probably. So I just left it alone, and she had a great day. She has a little friend at school who she became very close with. Her name is Ashlynn. She is adorable! Anyways, when I went to pick Constance up from school this afternoon they were in line holding hands. Then when it was time to leave, they gave each other a big hug and Ashlynn said"Bye my bestest friend, have fun at the bye bye place!" I almost lost it! To be so young and innocent, and not understand the harshness of the world. I wish I could keep her there forever, but I know she has to grow up, and be her own person. Scares me sometimes, to know that one day she will be out there on her own in this world, but we are doing our best to start now to prepare her for it. I only hope its good enough.
Wow, that was emotional! lol
Alright, so I am leaving Sunday morning. I will try to blog one more time before then. Dont know how long I will be without internet. I sure am going to miss it, but I will be back!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Posted by
Singell Family
7:31 PM
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