Our room
Constance's room
living room
Just getting into Texas!
Ok this is my second attempt at this blog. I got it all wrote out before and then my computer started messing up. So here we go again!
We made it to Texas all safe and sound. The girls did very well on the trip. I was glad the drive was over, but wasnt too happy to be here. I just dont like living alone without David here. Im doing better now. Especially that my internet is on now. I missed it very much. Ive gotten most of the house unpacked. Just need to put some finishing touches on it. Ive posted some pics of our house before I started unpacking. Looks a little scary. As soon as I get everything finished I will take more.
The bad part, is the day after we moved I started getting sick. I think I had the flu. It was horrible! I am just now starting to get over it. I had the worst cough ever! Thankfully its almost over.
On December 13th, we will be having Ivy a birthday party. I cant believe she will be two already, but the attitude confirms it! lol
Anyways, that is whats going on with us for now. I will try to post more pictures soon!
I am so glad to see your place and little Ivy in one picture and the girls in the one in front of the Texas Star. Miss you guys bunches! MOM
Glad you arrived safely and are getting settled in to your new home. I bet Zane and Ivy would have a good time throwing their tantrums together. :) Saw you one a nice prize from the Alzheimer's walk -- lucky dog!
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