I borrowed this from Rennie!
What are your middle names? Dawn and Michael
How long have you been together? together 7, married 4
How long did you know each other before you started dating? ummm a few months
Who asked who out? He asked me
How old are each of you? He is 24 and I am 23
What are your astrological signs? Gemini, twins!!! Birthdays are four days apart
Who's mother do you see the most? mine
whose siblings do/did you see the most? ummm well about the same, which is not much
Do you have any children together? Yes two beautiful little girls, Constance 3 and Ivy almost two
What about pets? one cat, Star, and a puppy that we will get in January!!!! His name is Apollo
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? War
Did you go to the same school? only for a little bit
Are you from the same hometown? no
Do you live in the same town now? well at the moment, no. But we will soon!
Who is the smartest? depends on what it is about
Who is the most sensitive? equally both
Where do you eat out most as a couple? We like Applebees and Chillis!
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Ummm, Colorado or Texas. About the same distance really.
Who has the best group of friends? we have the same friends and they are all great
Who has the craziest exes? neither...
Who has the worst temper? ummm.. He does when it comes to work maybe, but both pretty easy going
Who does/did the cooking? I do most of the time, but he likes to cook too.
Who is more social? definitely David
Who is the neat-freak? well its not me thats for sure! So him I guess
Who is the most affectionate? both
Who is the most stubborn? He is!
Who hogs the bed? oh...without a doubt..him
Who wakes up earlier? David does, he doesnt have a choice
Where was your first date? movies and Fuddruckers
Who has the bigger family? he does
Do you get flowers often? yes, just got some this week!
How do you spend the holidays? Just depends on where we are that year. This year its just me and the girls :(
Who is more jealous? I have a tendency to be
Do you have little pet names for each other? yes, Im Tator Tot and hes Spud
How long did it take to get serious? oh not long at allWho sings better? I would have to say me
Who's older? he is by a year and four days
Who does/did the laundry? me
Who does/did the dishes? the dishwasher
Who snores? neither
Who's better with the computer? he is, although Im getting pretty good at it now
Who drives when you are together? He doesWho picks where you go to dinner? both
Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? hmmm.... i dont know both I guess
Who kissed who first? oh he kissed me first
Who wears/wore the pants in the relationship? he does
Who eats more sweets? me
Who cries more? me
Who has the older car? Only have one car. While hes gone its mine and when hes home its ours! lol
Who has bigger dreams? we dream together
Are you two still a couple? for all eternity
Thursday, November 20, 2008
David and I :)
Posted by
Singell Family
3:36 PM
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Cool. I'm going to have to borrow this...
I like that. I love you
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