Introducing Paige Victoria Singell! We are so excited to have another girl. Our family just feels right having girls. Growing up I always wanted boys, and now I dont think I would even know what to do with a boy! lol The ultrasound was alot of fun, and David got to go. We didnt get any good shots of her face because everytime the lady tried Paige would put her hands over her face! lol She did not want her picture taken! So cute! Yesterday afternoon we went and bought a cute pink sleeper! A friend of mine is getting a bunch of clothes from one of her friends for us too, so I cant wait to go through them! This just makes everything seem so much more real!
18 Weeks and 3 days
My mom and grandma came down for two days as well. We had alot of fun while they were here. The girls loved having someone else to play with I think! lol I really didnt even get to see much of my own kids! lol I am grateful for them coming though, cause if they didnt David would not have gotten to go to the Ultrasound. This is the one thing he has gotten to do with all three girls now.
Next on the adgenda is moving. We are looking at sometime the week of September 21st-25th. Thats not too long from now at all. We are getting a bunch of boxes this weekend and getting started on packing everything up! I love packing! NOT!
Yay! Congrats. I was just thinking I hadn't heard anything and needed to check your blog.
LOVE the name Paige -- beautiful!
You are blessed.
And what about that Chinese calendar??? :)
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