Friday, August 28, 2009


Ivys handprint! I thought these would be cute to scrapbook!Constance's handprint!

Ivy was REALLY getting into it! lol

blue fingers

Having fun!

I thought we needed a break from cleaning this morning, so we made some fingerpaints! It is super easy to make and super cheap too! You use flour and water until you get a paste and then just add food coloring to make whatever colors you want. The girls had a blast with it. Ivy got it everywhere including a nice big handprint on my face as I was getting her into the bath. lol
Oh and by the way there are only 26 days til we move!!!! I cant wait to get to the midwest. The south is just not for me!
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for miss Paige. I will keep everyone updated on everything that goes on. My next appt. is on the 2nd with a high risk doctor, and then the ultrasound is the 8th.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting these pics. I love how into it Ivy is... She looks like a mad artist!

The Cox Family said...

I saw a high risk obgyn in addition to my regular ob for Zane's entire pregnancy. Don't let that freak you out. It's annoying though -- weekly dr. visits between the 2 of them.

The fingerpaints look like fun. Love the blue finger photo of Constance!

Unknown said...

Ivy is really getting into the finger painting. Too cute.