Yesterday afternoon I got a call from my doctor saying that I have gestational diabetes. I was a little shocked, and kind of upset about it all day yesterday. I am better about it today. I had a nutrition class and then a class on how to use my meter today. I learned ALOT. I thought I wasnt going to get to eat any sugar for the rest of my pregnancy, turns out though its not about the sugar. I just have to monitor my carb intake really carefully from now on. Its going to take a bit of getting used to writing down everything I eat and counting all the carbs, but its worth having a healthy baby.
I did learn today that my levels the day I had my glucose test were horrible. It was 222, and they like to see it under 135. So I was a bit off! lol Not good, but now I know how to try to control that. I am starting with my new diet today, and testing today. If my levels still stay abnormal they may put me on medication, but we will just take this one step at a time. We will just pray that everything turns out good, and hope the baby comes out healthy and not too big!