We are back from Constances surgery today. It all went very well. We got there around 7 this morning. Then we sat in the room for about an hour and a half. After that it was time for surgery. The brought in a wagon for her to ride into the surgery room. She had her "daddy bear" with her too. After we got into the room I put her on the table and they let her play with some of the stuff they had in there for a min. Then they had her "smell" the gas mask. They told me to hold her hands cause she would go through a wiggly stage. I wasnt prepared for that one! She started having these convulsions. I was about to lose it. Then she just fell asleep all of the sudden. I think the dr could see I was freakin a little cause he grabbed my arm and said " Ill take good care of her for you!" That helped a little. I hated leaving her in that room though. About 10 minutes later I went back to recovery with her and she was already awake. All the nurses were around her bed telling her how pretty she is! lol She got sick once in recovery and then one more time all over grandma when she was back in her room. After that she seemed to be doing alot better so they let us go home. She got sick once in the car, but seems to be feeling just fine now. I just had her saying her "L" sound for the very first time! And she can stick her tongue out really far now!!! That is exciting for me to see. Im just glad all this is over with, so now she can start pronouncing things alot better.
The pics are a little out of order. I wasnt paying attention!
Glad everything went well, I can't wait till I hear her talking now. She'll be talking our ears off.
Yes, she got Grandma pretty good! At least we had a blanket that got most of it. Rachel was quick witted and grabbed a bunch of towels for us though! I am proud of how well she did today. Most 3 year old just being in that kind of hospital situation would have been pretty apprehensive but not my girl. She never cried once! She did a great job!
Glad it went so well and that it's behind you now. The wagons -- what a clever idea! I bet she felt pretty special riding into the operating room. :)
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