Ok just warning everyone this will be a long blog. I have several different things to write about today, so just bear with me! Ok we will start with our trip to Blue Springs. We were there for a little over a week. We had a family reunion on Saturday. It was very hot! Then sunday we all went to breakfast at Golden Corral. Monday my dad, the girls and I went to lunch at Applebees, then I had to go to Hobby Lobby, and after that we went over to the new Bass Pro in Independence. Tuesday and Wednesday we didnt do much, just stayed home. Thursday I went to see Amys grandma. It had been along time since I had seen her so I was glad to get the chance. I saw her mom earlier in the week. Friday we went to Union Station and took the girls to Science City. They had alot of fun there. After that we came home. I was glad to get home.
All in all it was a good trip.
Today I got Constance the last of her school clothes. She modeled them for us. She looks like such a big girl! I cant believe we are shopping in the big girl section now. They have alot cuter clothes there than in the baby section I think.
After lunch today my mom, the girls and I hopped in the car. There is a group called Run for the Fallen. They are running across america and placing a card and flag on a pole or in the ground for each of the first 4000 servicemen who have died in this war. I think what they are doing is awsome. We got pictures of about 8 of them I think. It was so cool, but very emotional so afterwards I thought we needed to stop at Dairy Queen for a pick-me-up! It was neat to think that each mile we drove, and they ran, was a mile in honor of that soldier. Im glad we got the chance to see some of them, although I could have kept going all day. Gas prices, and my children would not have allowed that though!
Above are pictures from everything!
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