Thursday, June 26, 2008

Yellow Ribbon Tutu's

Is this not the cutest thing you have ever seen?? My FRG(family readiness group) leader sent out an e-mail saying we could get these free for all the daughters of deployed soldiers! How cool is that! Its a campaign that the website started. Their goal is to have every little girl wear one when her daddy comes home! Now we just need something like that for the boys. They may have something I just dont know about it. Anyways, I dont know when we will get them in the mail but I have my order in for two of them!! Cant wait to see the girls in them.


Ren said...

oh my cute!...of course we'll need pictures.

Ronda said...

I can't wait to take them to Christy's and have their pictures made in these tutu's and their big yellow hairbows... just adorable

The Cox Family said...

What a neat campaign. The girls will look sweet in them.