Friday, June 6, 2008

Computer Game

When David was home we bought Constance a new computer game for her birthday. We already gave it to her because we were not sure if it would work on our computer since we have Vista. It did and she loves to play it. It good at teaching her how to work the mouse and hand eye coordination. She hasnt mastered that part yet. She just moves the mouse around everywhere and clicks alot til she hits something! lol Here are a few pics of her playing.

Also Ivy learned to say "Whats that?" today. That is all she has been saying! She points at everything and says it. Its very cute. They are both growing up so fast. I no longer have babies! Kinda sad in a way, but exciting to see the people they will turn out to be.

This next two weeks is going to be very busy for us. Well this weekend we are doing nothing. And I mean nothing. Monday is Davids birthday. He will be 24. Then tuesday the girls and I are going with my grandparents to a camp ground not too far away. We wont stay the night, but I thought it would be fun to go for the day with them. Then Friday is mine and Constances birthday. I will be 23 and she will be 3. We are going shopping in the morning and then to the zoo with Gina and Rachel that afternoon. That should be a pretty fun day. Then Saturday we are having Constance a birthday party. That is what we are shopping for on friday. Sunday we are having her another birthday party for my dads side of the family. Lets see, then the next wednesday my mom has her lapband surgery. She is very excited and I am very excited for her! So the two of us will be at the hospital for a big part of the day. Then thurday Constance has her dr. appt for her tongue. And it is also mine and Davids anniversary! Four years baby! Too bad we arent together. We have never spent an anniversary together. Ever, and the next one we wont be together either. He will be gone for EOD school. ~sigh~ Oh well, maybe for our sixth anniversary we can be together. Keep your fingers crossed! lol So that is our next two weeks. Very busy, but good busy. Ok I am going to stop rambling now and start dinner soon.