I was feeling very creative tonight. I got this flower kit thing in the mail today so I decided to do that and I also got a scrapbook page in as well. I got the flower kit from a scrapbook magazine I got in the mail. I thought it would be fun to change things up and do something else creative and I really like how it turned out. The example they had of it was in bright colors which was very cute but I decided to do americana and Im glad I did. I think I am going to get two more to put in the girls rooms. they would make great gifts too. I will have to keep that in mind! The scrap page I did was of when I was pregnant with constance. Im trying to catch up. I got a little behind. But most of her baby pics are done, I just found these pics today when I was organizing so I thought I would do them.
I forgot to put Ivys stats in here yesterday after her appt so here they are for anyone who is interested. She is 31.5 inches long. 95% and 24 pounds. I think that was 95% as well or close to it. She is going to be tall like her daddy! I weighed and measured Constance as well. She is 32 pounds and 38 inches long. They are getting so big!
I will post pics from the circus tomorrow. I put a pic of the girls on here tonight that I thought turned out really good.
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