We have been having alot of issues with Apollo since our move, but things seem to be getting better now. After we moved it really freaked him out, and every time we would leave him alone, he would panic and destroy doors, mini blinds, door frames, and anything he could get to basically. He would also poop on the floor and dump his water and food bowl and scatter the food around the whole room! I think he was showing us that he was mad at us by doing the food thing! lol Anyways, we couldn't do it anymore. He has caused alot of damage to this house already that we will have to pay back. We cant put him in the backyard cause he can easily jump the fence, which he as done several times, and he hurts himself on his cable every time we try that. So our last resort was a kennel to put him in while we are gone. He is still afraid of it, but he has been going in it pretty easy for me. I always give him a treat when he goes in there like he is supposed to. I'm glad he is doing good, cause I didn't want to hurt myself or the baby trying to get him in there. So anyways, it seems to be our best solution. Only problem is now, we cant go anywhere for an extended period of time cause we cant leave him in there too long. Not sure what to do about that one. We will try to figure something out though. Right now, he is sleeping on the floor with his stuffed duck! lol
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Posted by
Singell Family
11:04 AM
A new life is about to begin!

definately a girl!
Posted by
Singell Family
6:56 AM
Monday, November 9, 2009
So Bored!
I get so bored when David is away!!! Luckily my good friend lives literally four houses down, so we have been having alot of movie nights lately! lol In fact we are having another one tonight. Yesterday my dad came and got the girls for part of the day. He took them out to lunch and to the park. They also went to this cute little town called Weston, MO. Its a historic town, but I guess when they were walking down the street Constance asked where the Walmart was! LOL She says the funniest things! While they were gone I got all the rest of my scrapbook stuff organized and put away. I was going to scrapbook last night, but by the time the girls were in bed I was too tired! Figures!
So far this pregnancy has been alot different from the girls. It is coming up to the end of it though. I am almost 31 weeks now. I am feeling very pregnant at the time. All the back aches, tiredness, and having to pee every few minutes, that goes with being in the third trimester! Its all so worth it though. I really cant wait to meet this little gal! Im very curious about what she will look like. We have a blond, and a brunette, so maybe we will get a red head this time! lol
David is doing good, but wishing he was home. I think all the seperations from his family are getting to him a little bit. He will get to come home for a four day weekend for Thanksgiving though. Only two and a half weeks til then. I know we are both counting down the days. Constance is having a hard time this time with him being gone. She was telling him good night on the phone a few nights back, and started crying cause she wanted her Daddy to come home. The military life is good, but it definately is hard, especially on these little ones. It just breaks my heart :(
Posted by
Singell Family
5:54 AM
Friday, November 6, 2009
Sad Day at Fort Hood
As you all have heard by now, there was a mass shooting at Fort Hood yesterday. It was such a tragedy. I feel for all the families affected by this. Most of the soldiers killed where getting ready to head to Iraq. What a horrible thing to be worried about having to go to a war zone, just to be killed before you even get there. I cant even imagine what the families are going through right now. Just to think that we were just there is a little scary. Im just glad that everyone we know was ok. This all just makes me want David home even more right now. I am just going to ask everyone who reads this to pray for the victims and their families. Also pray for the shooter. For what ever reason he felt the need to kill these soldiers, and now he will live with that for the rest of his life. Pray that as he is laying in his hospital bed he is willing to come out and say why he did it. Already this has caused alot of controversy that could be solved if he will give his reasons.
Posted by
Singell Family
7:11 AM