Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was great! I got to sleep in until 10 that morning! Then when I got up the house was clean, the kids were clean, and the laundry done! Best mothers day gift I could have ever asked for! lol
Me and my girls!!!!
How could you not love these two!!! Cant wait til next year and there will be three of them!
Update on the laundry soap. I got my bars of Fels Naptha in the mail last week. We made our laundry soap a few days ago and I love it! I honestly think our clothes are cleaner using this. I have heard that you can buy some kind of scents to put in it, but I find that just using dryer sheets makes them smell good anyways. So we have enough supplies to use this through the rest of the year I think and we only spent around $12 for all of it including the bucket! Cant beat that! Im so excited about it, I washed everyones blankets and sheets yesterday and ended up doing like eight loads! lol
I love your new page layout!!!! It rocks!!!
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