Thursday, May 28, 2009


Apollo sure has been very protective lately. I had read that dogs can get that way when there is a pregnant woman in the house, but man I didnt think it would be this bad!!! He barks at everything now, and before he never barked at all! Everyday when David comes home from work he starts barking til he figures out who it is. I was babysitting a little boy the other day and he kept barking at him! He was only two!! lol The other night I was making dinner and the pot of water boiled over a little and he went nuts! Everytime I lay down in bed he gets in his bed next to me and wont get up until I get up, even when David is home! He is such a good dog, and I am so glad we got him! Last night he kept trying to sit in my lap. He isnt exactly a lap dog, and I dont think he will be able to even get up there in the near future and we will both be growing! lol

Monday, May 25, 2009

Our weekend!

Weve had a pretty fun weekend so far! David went fishing all day friday with his friends and got a pretty good sunburn to go with it! Saturday, was family day. We tried to camp in the backyard, but it started storming, so we headed back in around ten 0'clock that night. We tried! Then Last night we went to some friends house and played games. My friend Jessica got to sneak out and have ice cream cones, just us girls! That was kind of nice! lol Then today Ivy and I are here at home and Constance and David went fishing. She was soooo excited!!! Flower in our front yard! Not sure what kind it is, it was already planted here when we moved in, but I really like them!
Constance in the tent!

Ivy in the tent!

Constance fishing with Daddy, Lonnie, and Luke! They are still out there, this is the pic David sent me from his phone!

Here is an old picture of Constance getting her ears pierced. I just now got it off of my phone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wordless Wednesday!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Baby Names

Alot of people have been asking what names we have picked out.  I thought I would just post them now.  If its a girl its going to be Jocelyn Paige Singell, and if its a boy its going to be Graham Michael Singell.  We are pretty set on those for now, but who knows, we could change our minds before then!

6 weeks!

Well I am now 6 weeks pregnant. I woke up this morning feeling great, then about an hour later it all changed! I lost all my breakfast! I feel a little better now. I am just trying to nibble on some food here and there. Need to keep baby fed! The girls have been good for me this morning, so that helps when Im not feeling well.

I know a lot of you are wondering whats going on with me. On facebook I have not been posting some very happy status's. I thought I would kinda explain on here. I am just realizing that the friends I had here arent really that great of friends after all. It hurts, cause I really liked them, but the things they have been doing are really upsetting me. I have decided to just let it go though, and not let them bother me anymore. I hate that things have to be that way, but I need my real friends so much more now. I miss everyone in Missouri so much. I think I got spoiled living there while David was gone! LOL. I love being here with him as a family, but it will be great when we all get to move alot closer to home! I cant wait!

The girls are doing great. Growing like weeds! Constance will be starting pre-school this fall! She is very excited! She will have to go all day. That may be hard for me at first, but I know she will have fun. She LOVES school! So it will just be Ivy and I during the day until (George) as the baby has been named by my Grandpa, is here. Its more fun being pregnant this time cause the girls can be so much more envolved. They both know there is a baby in mommy's tummy. They give my belly kisses everyday! I love that part! I dont think they realize how long they are going to wait though to meet their new brother or sister though! Constance keeps asking me if she can see the baby soon! lol Its so cute watching her thought process about this whole thing!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was great! I got to sleep in until 10 that morning! Then when I got up the house was clean, the kids were clean, and the laundry done! Best mothers day gift I could have ever asked for! lol Me and my girls!!!!
How could you not love these two!!! Cant wait til next year and there will be three of them!

Update on the laundry soap. I got my bars of Fels Naptha in the mail last week. We made our laundry soap a few days ago and I love it! I honestly think our clothes are cleaner using this. I have heard that you can buy some kind of scents to put in it, but I find that just using dryer sheets makes them smell good anyways. So we have enough supplies to use this through the rest of the year I think and we only spent around $12 for all of it including the bucket! Cant beat that! Im so excited about it, I washed everyones blankets and sheets yesterday and ended up doing like eight loads! lol

Friday, May 8, 2009

My pregnancy so far!

Ok so first off I will just say that yes this baby was planned. lol Its something we went back and forth with since miss Ivy was born. We have been trying for a few months now with some complications where we lost one baby. So with this one I am enjoying every second of. This will be our last. Cant afford anymore! lol

So far I feel great. I was a little nausiated yesterday, but today I am feeling great. I am due January 12th. I tend to have babies early so it really could be anywhere from the middle of December on. Shortly after the baby is born we will be moving, so that is going to be a big time for us!

Constance is very excited! Ivy could care less! lol I think once the baby is here she will be more excited about it. Constance keeps saying that her baby is in her belly too. I had to explain that you can only get a baby in your belly when you are married. Lets hope that sticks!

Only bad part is we got rid of all our baby stuff in all the moves we have made since then. So we have to start from scratch. Only thing I have left is a baby monitor that I got at a garage sale for five bucks right before Constance was born. Still works like a charm too! So we are going to have to slowly get started getting things like diapers early on. I think my mom is going to be alot of help in this department as well! lol I was told when she sends Constances birthday presents there will be baby stuff in the box as well!

So far I dont have any bad symptoms. Mostly my sence of smell is so strong right now! I never really did this with the girls! Its crazy! Complete exhaustion has not set in yet. I do get tired from time to time but nothing like it was with Ivy. If I could have slept that whole pregnancy I would have, but having another baby at the time to take care of made that impossible! lol

So heres to a great pregnancy!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Big News!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Earrings and a trip to the movies!

This weekend we took the girls to the movies for the first time. They did perfect! They watched the whole movie and didnt say a word the whole time. Ivy did fall asleep the last 20 minutes but she didnt have her nap yet so she was tired. We saw the movie Monsters VS. Aliens. It was a very cute movie. It is in 3D so Constance liked wearing the glasses

We also got Miss Constance an early birthday present. She said she wanted to get earrings. we explained first that it was going to hurt a little, but she still wanted to do it. So she picked out some cute green ones. When the ladies put them in she didnt cry one bit. I thought she would, but she was such a big girl. Im so proud of her. Her daddy just loves her new earrings! lol Too bad it was a last minute thing and I didnt have my camera there!