I had a doctors appt. today. The main reason is to get some birth control started before David gets home. We havent totally shut off the idea of one more baby, but right now is not the time. I would like to wait til at least he gets done with his schooling before we decide that. So we shall see.....
The other reason I went was because I have another Ganglion cyst growing in my hand. I dont know who all knows this, but three years ago I had surgery to have one removed from my left hand. It was fairly large and just kept growing, so the doctor thought it needed to come out. I was glad too, cause before the surgery I could not straighten my hand at all. Found out afterwards that it was totally wrapped around my bones and tendons, that is why it was pulling so much. So about a month ago I noticed a small lump on the back of my right hand. Over that month time it has doubled in size. So I just asked her about it. Cant do anything here since I am moving, but she said that people that get these usually have them come back over and over again. So needless to say Im not too happy about that. She said I should get to a doctor when i get to Texas to have x-rays and all that good stuff done, and then go from there. I will probably just wait til David gets home to do that though. Unless it gets really big. If they keep coming back, I can just imagine my hands in 20 years! Scars all over them! Not cool!
I am posting a couple fall leaf pics and a preview of Halloween costumes!!!
Cute costumes! Love the pirate. I was thinking of doing a pirate and parrot for the boys next year -- or Bert and Ernie! How cute would that be? I gotta go with this theme thing as long as they will let me! :) Sorry to hear about your hand. I'm sure that's a little stressful to think about having surgery again.
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