Yesterday I took the girls to the doctor. I was taking Ivy for her 2 year checkup. I know its a little early, but i wanted to get it done before things got all hectic with the move. I had them check Constance too cause she acted like her ear has been hurting her. Turns out she has an ear infection and strep. The strep surprised me. Wasn't expecting that one. Ivy has a little ear infection too. Same ear as her sister in fact. So they both got antibiotics. Other than that though they are right on target everywhere else. Constance is a little low on her weight, but makes up for it in height. Here are their stats!
Constance- Weight: 35 pounds(she has been that for a long time now!)
Height: 41 inches
Ivy Jewel- Weight: 29 pounds
Height: 35 1/2 inches
David and I have been talking about what we want to do for block leave after he gets home. We looked into a big vacation to Disney World. I love that place!!! We have decided to wait for that though. When he reenlists in four years he will get a pretty big bonus and we are going to go then and just have a great vacation. So instead of a big vacation we are going to do a small one. We are going to go up to Dallas. We are going to get a nice hotel, order room service and just relax. They also have a really nice aquarium up there that we all want to go to. They have a big zoo too, but we will have to see about the weather first. As long as we are all there together and enjoying ourselves it doesn't matter where we go.
Only 10 days til we move! I'm getting that excited/nervous feeling. I just wish David were here too. I hate doing these big moves by myself. Stressful!! So far there have been no problems, so hopefully it goes off without a hitch. I will have my mom post a blog for me whenever we are there and settled in!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Doctor appt.
Posted by
Singell Family
6:31 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Doctor Appointment
Posted by
Singell Family
8:41 PM
3 more years!
Well David re-enlisted today. I know this is a suprise to most because last we talked about he was getting out. A good oppertunity came up for him and we didnt want to say anything til it was official. Now it is. He is getting a new job. Im not sure what the technical term is, but he will be a prison gaurd. His school starts October 23rd of next year. It will be at Ft. Leanord Wood, MO. Its two months long. At that time, the girls and I will stay in Texas. Not sure yet where we will be after that. He has put down for Leavenworth, KS. That way we will be closer to family. He wont find out for sure where we will be til he gets to school. I hate that part. Not knowing. Oh well. He has pictures of his re-enlistment ceremony, and I should have them tomorrow. When I do get them, I will post them.
Posted by
Singell Family
7:45 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Moms Meeting
Tonight was our monthly moms meeting at church. A bunch of us moms get together and talk about mom stuff!! Its alot of fun, and a nice break to just sit and listen and talk with other women. Tonight we had a guest speaker, who has eight children! That's alot, don't know if I could undertake that many kids. Anyways, she has alot of experience. How could you not with that many kids!! I really enjoyed listening to her speak. She spoke mostly about being a "significant woman". This is something I want to strive to be. She said that most "significant" people don't really know that they are significant, but they try to do things for other people to help them in their lives. She was mostly applying this to raising children. One thing that she talked about was how if we want to be significant women, we have to do some uncomfortable things sometimes. Like, instead of just throwing a movie on, or distracting our kids from doing somethings negative, we need to sit them down and reprimand them instead. It may not feel convenient at the time, but it is our duty as mothers. I am defiantly bad a taking the easy route at times, but I want to work on disciplining better. This will only come out better for us all in the end if I take the time to try and do it right now.
Anyways, that's just what I took away from the meeting tonight among with some other things. I am going to miss going to these meetings as this was my last one before we move. That's sad, but I have taken alot from them that I can apply in our home with our little girls, who by the way are growing up entirely too fast on me here!!!!
Posted by
Singell Family
6:56 PM
Monday, October 20, 2008
Our Weekend
Posted by
Singell Family
2:49 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Pictures from Iraq

Posted by
Singell Family
8:04 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
Carving Pumpkins!!!!!
Posted by
Singell Family
8:02 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Well, we officially have a moving date. We will leave here on November 9th and move in on November 10th. Im relieved to finally know when we will be moving, but sad that we have to leave family and friends again. I wish we could be closer, but thats what its like in the military. So I have lots of packing to do. At least I dont have to pack a whole house this time. Im just anxious to get this move over with and get settled in at our new place. I know which housing area we will be in on base, just dont have our exact address yet. As soon as I know it I will let everyone know through an e-mail. So anyways, I thought everyone would like to know. Tonight though, I have some homework to do for David!! :)
Posted by
Singell Family
4:30 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
Well, Constance now has a boyfriend at school. Her daddy is not going to like this at all! lol When I went to pick her up today, we were leaving and she ran back and was saying "bye Josh!" I thought she was going to hug him and then she plants one right on his mouth. I think I was in shock! Both her teachers were both cracking up. lol I will have to scrapbook about this one!
Posted by
Singell Family
1:40 PM
Thursday, October 9, 2008
walnuts! Lots of walnuts!
Posted by
Singell Family
8:44 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
School Picture
Posted by
Singell Family
2:31 PM
Pre-School Screening
Constance had her Pre-School screening today. They checked her vision and hearing. Then they asked her all kinds of questions about colors, numbers, ect..... She also had to jump, throw a ball, and skip. She did pretty well. Couldnt catch the ball at all though. Im not so sure she is going to be our sportsy one! lol She knew all the answers to the question, but she didnt always tell them. She was being a little shy. So they graded her in the 65% for her age. They said that is great. Im not going to hold her to that number though. I think she is doing just fine with everything. I will continue to work with her at home, and she is doing great at school.
Here are some pictures of her doing her homework! She is practicing with Scissors, and doing very well. She had to cut out these pictures and then choose which ones start with an L. She got all of the right, but two. Then she had to glue the ones that start with an L on a piece of paper, color them, and the write the letter L on her paper. Where did the time go. Seems like just yesterday she was learning to sit up and now she is doing homework!!
Ivy got to practice with scissors and glue for the first time. I try to include her when Constance does her homework. That way she doesnt feel left out, and she is learning too. We have a ways to go with the scissors! lol She would just hold them and jab them at the paper! The glue she did pretty good, but she kept wanting to take the paper back off and do it again. It was cute watching her try though.
Posted by
Singell Family
2:06 PM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Yesterday, I went with my Grandma and her church to Branson. We went to see the Baldknobbers, and ate at their resturaunt there. We had a fun time. Lots of laughs. I love Branson. I remember going with Amy, her mom, and her friend Lisa. That was the best trip ever! We were like 14 and trying to find all the cute boys! lol Anyways, I didnt get home until after midnight last night, and I was exhausted! Then Constance decided to wake up at 5:45 this morning! So tonight I may be going to bed with the girls!
Posted by
Singell Family
6:41 AM
Friday, October 3, 2008
I finally got ahold of someone at housing in Texas who would give me some answers. Ive been calling for almost two weeks now and was just about to give up. The lady I talked to today is in charge of our application. She said the reason we are not on the waiting list yet is because if she puts us on now we would get a place right away, which means I would have to move right away. She is supposed to call me back here in a bit and go over the details with me. I told her I can move anywhere from November 15th on. So hopefully I can get all my questions answered when she calls back. I will let you all know what she says.
Posted by
Singell Family
7:02 AM