Friday, August 15, 2008

School yesterday

Constance says she had alot of fun yesterday at school. When I asked her what she did she replied that she went down the slide a little bit, had a snack and chocolate milk, stepped on footprints, read a story book, and went potty and washed her hands. Sounds like a pretty productive day if you ask me!

Miss Ivy is 20 months old today. I cant believe in 4 months she will be two already. This last year seems to have gone by so fast. This morning I was holding the wipes and she came up to me and said "Want one" Thats the first time Ive heard that one. So I gave her one and she proceeded to wipe her bottom! lol

I kinda decided to put a hold on the potty training thing for awhile since the last time I posted about it. She got the sitting on the potty and wiping part. She also told me everytime she was wet or dirty, but she just wasnt getting the doing it in the potty part, so I decided to wait a bit. I think next week we will start again. I have her here for 3 hours all to herself each day now while Constance is at school, so I think that will be a great time to start for now. We shall see how that goes!