Well it has definatly rained enough this april so now we are getting the pretty flowers. The girls and I played outside for about an hour this morning. I walked around the yard and took some pics of all the flowers. Its so nice out today. We may go out again after nap time and play with some sidewalk chalk! We havent gotten that out yet this year so that might be fun for them to do.
In other news, David has been preapproved for EOD(the armys bomb squad). He is very excited. Now all he has to do is the suit test and an interview with the EOD team there on base in Iraq. Those are pretty easy from what he has told me, so we are pretty opptomistic that he has the job, but we are trying not to get our hopes too high just in case. He will do the suit test and interview in the next day or two. So I am excited to hear how he did. With this EOD thing we will be living in Florida for 8 months. Florida means Disney World!!!! lol I am excited about that. After Florida we have no idea where we will go, but we think we may try to get stationed in Colorado again. We really liked it there. Well that is all from our end for now.
It was a gorgeous day today, wasn't it? Glad you were able to get outside and enjoy it.
Disneyworld -- perfect for you and the girls! Hope you get your wish.
the flowers are beautiful. I love spring.
Will he come home any sooner if he gets that job?
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