Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Planting Flowers!
Posted by
Singell Family
8:09 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Well I just wanted to let everyone know that David made EOD!!! He said the suit test was super tough but he did well. He said after he got done he went and took a four hour nap!! lol Someone took pics of him doing it,but he hasnt e-mailed them to me yet. As soon as he does I will post them. So Florida here we come!! Im excited to see what life in Florida is like. Hot im guessing! lol I just hope there isnt a hurricane while we are there. Man that would be kinda scary. Ok that is really all of the updates for now.
Posted by
Singell Family
1:36 PM
Pre-K Registration!
Posted by
Singell Family
10:13 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Im bored!!
Man, could these days go any slower!!! There are only 15 days now til David gets home and it still feels like an eternity! He called today and said that he has his suit test for EOD tomorrow. I cant wait to hear how he does on it. He was also recommended for a Bronze Star which is a pretty big deal. He said usually only guys higher in rank get it so he is pretty excited about it. He was also recommended for a battlefield promotion. Let me explain what that means for non-military folk!! lol He is up for promotion right now, but has to have so many points to get promoted. The points are set pretty high at the moment and he has been doing some extra work to get them up there. Well a battlefield promotion means that he can get promoted without having enough points. To get one you have to basically do exceptional on the "battlefield" like it says. So needless to say I am very proud of him for both things. Well all three including the EOD thing as well. This is a big step in his military career and one I think he has been ready for for a long time. Im excited to see where our lives take us next. Thats the one thing with the army life. You never know where you will be living next. At times unnerving and also exciting. So if he gets the EOD we will be in Florida like I said before and who knows after that. David mentioned Alaska when we talked today but Im not so sure about that one. Its so cold there! I like Florida better!!! lol
Posted by
Singell Family
7:53 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
April Showers Bring May Flowers!
Posted by
Singell Family
9:28 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Just Stop It!
Ivy has said her first sentence! She gets the serious look on her face and points at us and says "Just Stop It!!" It is the funniest thing ever. My mom and I were laughing so hard at her last night when she was doing it. And where did she learn this? Her big sister of coarse! She is learning lots of fun things from Constance! She has also learned to shake or nod her head yes and no if I ask her a question. It seems like she is learning so much lately.
Constance has been doing much better with her potty training. She hasnt had an accident in two days and has been telling me when she needs to go. I was reading online that the key to resistance is to not ask them if they need to go potty, but to tell them we are going potty now. So we have been trying that out. It seems to be working out great. She just gets up and goes in there instead of me getting her usual line of "I dont wanna go potty!" So hopefully we can keep this up.
In other news, my cousin Derrick had an emergency appendectomy last night. He is only 19 and away at collage right now. Pretty scary stuff. I havent heard how he is doing now, but his parents drove up there to be with him. Im sure I will hear some time soon how he is.
Well David will be home very soon and I cant contain my excitement!!! This morning I booked a helicopter tour of Branson for the two of us to do while he is home. We also plan to go to the new Titanic exibit. That should be a very fun day. The girls will be staying with my mom for the day so we can have some time for the two of us. Its been a long, long time since we have had that!! lol We are also getting some more family pics done while he is home. I am still trying to talk him into doing some with his uniform on, but not sure if he is going for that! I know thats all he wears now, but we need military family pics!!! lol
Posted by
Singell Family
8:20 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Ivys caterpillar
Posted by
Singell Family
7:05 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
What a Busy Weekend!
We had a very busy weekend. On Friday we went out to eat with my grandparents. It was thier 54th anniversary, so it was nice to spend that day with them. I cant wait to see what the next 50 years brings for David and I!
On Saturday we went with the same grandparents and my dad to Golden Corral in Springfield to meet up with a bunch of our family for a little reunion. After that my dad, the girls, and I went to the zoo for a couple of hours. Constance had so much fun. After we got done looking at something she would say "I wanna see more animals Mommy!!!" She did not want to leave. Ivy had fun too, but I think she was just happy to be outside in the sunshine! After that the girls and I went to Smiths resturaunt for dinner. We were there to celebrate my cousin Derricks 19th birthday. We were very tired at the end of the day!!
Today my mom, the girls, and I went to the mall. I had to get David some shoes so he would have something other than his boots to wear when he gets home. Speaking of him coming home!! He will be home a few days sooner than we thought!! YAY!!! Im so excited. Anyways, back to today. I also got the girls some new clothes and a new bathing suit for myself. I was very brave. I havent bought a bathing suit for myself in a long time. The last one was a bikini before the girls were born. Well my bikini days are way over, but I did find a really cute one piece at old navy. It actually doesnt look as scary as I thought it would! Anyways after that we came home to attempt a nap for everyone. The only one that slept was my mom! lol Then we all got ready to go grocery shopping. So it was another busy day for us! Tomorrow we are going nowhere!!!! We may even stay in pjs all day! And we are going to make those catterpillars. I will post pictures tomorrow. Here are some pics of the zoo that we took.
Posted by
Singell Family
6:32 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Tiny Dancers!
Posted by
Singell Family
4:30 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Potty Stickers!
Well I thought Constance was completely potty trained but lately we have taken a step back. I have heard this can be normal though. I was not for bribing my children with anything to get them to do things, but with the potty training we have had to take a different approach. I got her some fun stickers at the store with the Disney princesses on them. she loves the princesses! So anyways if she tells me she needs to go potty and doesnt have an accident she gets a sticker. It seems to be working. Already today she has gone twice and told me both times. She came up to me and said "Mommy, I need a potty sticker!" lol. I may use this when its time to potty train Ivy, we will just have to see how fast she takes to it. It took Constance a really long time. I started her at 18 months and she just wasnt ready. I started her for the wrong reasons and I see that now. I had people telling me I needed to get her started. I should have listened to her needs rather than what every one else thought I should do with her. That was an important lesson in parenting that I learned alot from. Dont push, when they are ready they will let you know.
I have started getting the girls into doing more painting and drawing. Creative stuff that will keep them busy on the days we are at home all day. I did a search online the other night and found a bunch of cute projects for thier age group so I wrote them all down and we will be doing a project a week I think. This week we just started with painting. The love it. Yesterday I bought some art supplies and they had a plaster alphabet kit on clearance that I got for them. Last night Constance and I mixed the plaster and poured it to let it sit over night. Today we attempted to paint them. They just wanted to paint on thier paper with their new paint sponges I got them! lol. So mommy painted some of the letters while the sponge painted. I think I will use some of thier paintings for scrapbook pages. That way they have thier art in their scrapbooks with pictures of them doing it. Next week we are going to be making caterpillars out of egg cartons. I thought it was a really cute idea. I will post pictures and instructions as well after we do them. That way all you moms of little ones can make some too!!!
Posted by
Singell Family
7:36 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tractor Babies!
Posted by
Singell Family
10:24 AM
Our little Artists!
Today I had the girls paint some pictures. We are going to give them to Grandma and Grandpa Butler for thier anniversary on friday. I thought they would like to have some pictures the girls made for them. The girls loved painting! I had to show Ivy a couple of times that we dont eat it. So then she starts painting her belly! They got a long bath after they were done. Soon I am going to make lunch. I think we are going to have tuna sandwiches and crackers. Sounds good to me today. And after that we are going to go outside and play for awhile. Its nice today. A little windy, but warm!
Posted by
Singell Family
8:30 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
One month!
Posted by
Singell Family
7:25 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Ivy and the Vacuum!
Posted by
Singell Family
2:12 PM
15 month tours :(
Well David found out they will have to stay there for 15 months and not 12 like we were hoping. Im very sad about this. I wanted him home for Christmas and Ivys birthday, but thats not the way it is going to be. Oh well the only good thing to come out of it is more money. He will get and extra 1000 a month each month he is there over 12 so that will help us our alot. So looks like I will be leaving here in January. I want to get there before he does and get our apartment set up so he wont have to mess with anything like that once he is home. Febuary seems like so far away at this point. This deployment already seems never ending. I just want it to be over so we can be a family again. He told me the other day he hates watching his girls grow up in pictures. It has been really hard on him this time. But he will be home in about a month and we are going to have lots of fun. It will be really hard to have to watch him leave again, but its something we have to do. We try not to think about that day right now just the time we will have together while he is home.
Posted by
Singell Family
7:05 AM
Monday, April 7, 2008
The Girls!
I thought I would sit down and do a brag blog!! Just to let everyone know all the new things the girls are doing. We will start with Constance. Lets see..... She is learning to count to 20 right now. She can count to twelve prefect but gets a little mixed up in the teens at the moment. She know all her alphabet and can recognize most of the letters when I hold one up and ask her what it is. We are working on writing the letters. Right now I have her tracing them. She is still unsteady but getting better. Yesterday she was counting and i heard her count backwards from 6 to one. All by herself!! This one shocked me! I didnt know she could do that. She has also learned how to imitate cookie monster on Seasame Street! lol She does a really good job at it too although it gets a little messy! Her new word for today is Dude! lol. Ivy layed on her and she said "Dude, get off!" lol She cracks me up. On the 28th we go up to the preschool to get her registered. This is going to be an emotional day for me!
Ok, on to Ivy Jewel! She is really starting to talk now. She is alot quieter than her sister so it took her a little longer to realize she can make words too! lol Right now her words she uses include: Woah!, Weeee...., Day-day(daddy), Der is(there it is), Der(there), Woof, watch, eat, and sometimes she says mama. She has really been starting to pick up on this lately. She has also learned to brush her teeth by herself. Its so cute. She still needs a little help but shes got the concept down. A big one for us right now is when they color she has stopped eating the crayons and actually colors her paper! lol. We are going to make a big sign for David when he gets home. I got a white queen size sheet and some paints and I think after I get the words on I will have them help me decorate it. I think I am going to make star stamps out of potatoes and have them stamp those on it. I may do thier hand prints on it as well. We will see.
Well that is all the updates I have for now.
Posted by
Singell Family
10:14 AM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Here are some pics from our scrap day today. There were only four of us there but it was a nice day. I got about 11 pages done. I need to do more. I ordered about 200 more pictures and they should be here on monday! I cant wait, but that means I have any more to do! I just love being able to capture all these wonderful memories. I love to look back at them and see how much the girls have grown, and know that when they are older they can look back at them and enjoy them like I do now.
In other news Ivy is getting two more teeth in. She has been a little cranky the last couple of days. Hopefully they come through soon though.
Posted by
Singell Family
7:11 PM