Here are some pics we had taken of the girls about a month ago. I just love the one of Ivy crying and Constance rolling her eyes! lol. This pic just says it all. These are the last professional pics we will have taken til David gets home. Which is only four months away I might add!!! Im not excited or anything. I just hope the time goes by fast and that the time hes actually here slows way down. I know it will probably be the opposite but I can still hope for it.
Ok its not letting me upload the last one of miss Constance so I will try that one again in the morning. Hope you all enjoy the pics. I think they are just priceless!!
oh my goodness these are priceless. My favorite one is the one of Ivy crying with Constance rolling her eyes. Just not your typical picture. I love it.
you guys make pretty babies...You in our thots and our prayers.
those are just the sweetest little girls ever. Grandma's little angels but the last one is what we see most days! LOL
Too sweet! You are blessed!
What great pictures, very beautiful. I love that one of Ivy crying.
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