Tuesday, March 16, 2010


here are some pages i have done lately! ivy
ariel at disney world

new year 09

grandma and constance


baby #3

my dress

senior year


paiges ultrasound pics

welcome home ceremony

things have been getting alot better on the home front. thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Life is hard....

This is supossed to be the happiest time in my life, and right now it isnt. I have alot going on, alot on my mind. I wont get into specifics, but its not good at this point. I dont know what the future holds for me and my girls. I dont want to make the wrong decision for them, but I have no idea what the right decision is. If I make the hard decision, the one I dont want to have to make, its going to be so tough. I honestly dont have anywhere to go. I will be starting out with nothing. What do I do with that? But do I stay because of that? Urrrgggg... This is so hard.

Sorry, just venting. Dont want to post anything on facebook, but I know a few select people that I trust are the only ones that read this, so Im venting here.