We are officially out of Texas in 7 days! 5 days from now we will be packing the moving truck and getting everything ready to go! I cant wait to get up to Missouri. We still have a bit more to pack up, but it is all really starting to come together. Tomorrow David will head up to the unit and get completely cleared out there. After that we just have to focus on getting the house empty and cleaned up a bit.
Today David is going to be taking miss Constance to the doctor. I noticed her tonsils were red with white spots on them. She acts just fine, but we wanted to get it checked out before we get moved. I didnt want it to turn into something more while we are on the road or something. I am going to stay home with Ivy while she is napping and hopefully get a few more things around here done. I am lacking major energy right now, so hopefully after I eat some lunch it will get better.
I talked to the lady from housing in Leavenworth a couple of days ago, and she said we will have a house for sure, she just doesnt have an official list of addresses to know which ones for sure are available. We should be able to get a four bedroom though, and she did say they will be in either Osage or Ottawa villages on post, and those are the ones we wanted. We have everything on our end sent to her, so all we have to do now is get there and see which house we get!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
One week to go!
Posted by
Singell Family
9:02 AM
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Looking up!
Our housing prospects are looking up. We decided just to wait for on-post housing, instead of buying right now. I talked to the housing coordinator today and she said we may be able to move in on the 28th if not soon after that. She wont know anything for sure until next week when the roster comes out for all houses opening up soon. So I will call her either Monday or Tuesday and hopefully we will have an address and a move in date!!!
Posted by
Singell Family
6:56 AM
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Moving update!
Well there are only 16 days til our big move. Lots to do before then and after as well. I was supposed to have an ultrasound today. Im not sure what happened but I got the wrong appt time, so I missed it. They cant get me in before we move, but she did assure me it was only to get a few more pictures of her heart and there was nothing wrong. I called today and got an appt. set up with an OB doc in Leavenworth, and let them know all this info, so they will probably want to do one after we get there. My appt is the 28th, so we are going to make a day of it checking out the Leavenworth area and hopefully getting some more info on our housing situation. David is currently at his last clearing briefing where he will get all his paperwork so he can clear post here.
After the move we have a few things we are wanting to do with family. On October 3rd we are going to join my mom and other family for the Diabetes Walk. I am pretty excited to be able to do that. Then the next day we are headed to Branson with my mom and my grandma Vote for the day. I love Branson, so it should be a fun day. That's pretty much all the updates I have for now. Now its nap time. Both girls are cranky right now so I'm hoping they will both sleep and I am going to pack some more! Yeah for me!
Posted by
Singell Family
10:06 AM
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
21 weeks
I had my appt today with my high risk doctor. He said Im not really high risk technically unless I am on medication for it and he did not want to put me on any. He said I am doing ok where I am just need to be very careful with what I eat. I asked him about the baby's size when she is born. The girls were both around 6 pounds so he said to expect maybe a pound or so bigger, but nothing major if I keep my diet under control. Thats good news to me. I dont know if I could handle a 10 pounder! lol Gina and Jenny, I dont know how you both did that! lol So anyways my uterus was measuring right at 21 cm, and her heartbeat was in the 170's. She is a very active baby all day. Im hoping this means after she is born she will be up more during the day and be a good sleeper at night, but you know that is just hopes and dreams! lol Next week is my ultrasound. I will post more ultrasound pics after I get them!
Posted by
Singell Family
2:06 PM