Sorry I havent been posting much lately. Just havent been feeling the greatest. Yesterday was horrible. I couldnt get off the couch all day. David even had to come home and make lunch for us cause I just couldnt do it. So far today is much better. Still a little queezy, but nothing like yesterday. Still trying to take it slow though. I am now 12 weeks pregnant. My last week of the first trimester. Its really gone by pretty fast. I will have David take a belly pic tonight when he gets home.
The girls are doing good. It wont be long Constance will be in school. She will be going all day, so that will be a little adjustment for me and Daddy, but Im sure she will be fine with it. She talks to anyone so I know she wont be shy! lol We will take her up there to get her registered and everything towards the end of July.
Hope everyone has a great fourth of July this weekend. We are going to a free Dierks Bentley concert on base and then they do fireworks too. We arent allowed to do our own fireworks on base so that kinda stinks, but next year we will be close to home so we will have fun then!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Posted by
Singell Family
6:13 AM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sea World Pictures
Here are a few Sea World pictures. There are more good ones, but I dont have the energy to do it right now! lol On another note I am starting to feel better now. I still have some yucky moments, but they are getting to be less and less.
Posted by
Singell Family
6:23 AM
Monday, June 22, 2009
Prenatal Appt.
Today was my first real prenatal appt. I am 11 weeks today. She wasnt sure if the baby would be big enough to hear the heartbeat yet, but we did! I was so happy to hear that little thump, thump, thump!! David and the girls were there too and so we all got to hear it for the first time! The heartbeat was in the 160's, so she said according to old wives tales, its a girl! lol We shall see!!
Right now is nap time so after that I will get some pictures posted that I have been meaning to do for awhile now! I promise!!
Posted by
Singell Family
10:18 AM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Well our two weeks with David at school are finally at a close. He will be home tomorrow. They will have a big graduation ceremony so I will post pictures at some point. I havent been too much into the blogging lately. Just havent had the energy to do much lately. The last couple of days the morning sickness hasnt been too bad. Hopefully that is a sign that it will start getting better. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Saturday we are headed to Sea World. I cant wait to go! The girls are also very excited! Lets just hope it doesnt get entirely too hot while we are there!
Posted by
Singell Family
6:45 AM
Friday, June 12, 2009
Our little girl is turning four!!!

Posted by
Singell Family
11:29 AM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Happy Birthday!!!
This is an old picture, but I love it! Today is Davids 25th birthday. Wish we could see him today, but we will get to see him on Thursday!
Posted by
Singell Family
6:07 AM
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Two Weeks
Well, it will be two weeks before we see David again. He has WLC school. Not sure what that stands for, but he has to have this school to get promoted to Staff Sergeant. From what I hear it will be pretty tiring. He has lots to do in these two weeks. The girls and I on the other hand, dont have much to do at all. Right now that sounds pretty good cause this week has been busy and my morning sickness is getting worse. So relaxing sounds great right now. In fact the girls and I are getting ready to head back to bed, we have been up since 4:30 this morning, and we are all tired!
Yesterday was my first OB appt. It went well. Just paperwork and bloodwork. My next appt. is on the 22nd, and then we will get to hear the heartbeat and get my exam. Im looking forward to that visit. Great news is that I will get to have the same Doctor that I had with Ivy. Im very excited about that because we loved her so much and she delivered her too, so I kind of feel that special bond with her. I mean how could you not feel that with the person who helps you deliver your child!
Posted by
Singell Family
5:16 AM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Early Birthday Party!!
First of all, look over at the side there. Our baby girl or boy is now an inch tall!!!! So big!!!
Posted by
Singell Family
6:35 AM