Thursday, April 30, 2009

Laundry Soap

Well we have looked everywhere for Fels Naptha which is a key ingredient in making your own laundry soap. They dont sell it anywhere down here. They do in Bolivar, however when my mom went to pick some up for me, they were sold out! Figures! lol So I just ordered some online. I have everything else I need to make it so as soon as it gets here I will get started. I will take pictures so everyone can see the process and see what it looks like. Im excited to finally get to do it.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Here are the Disney pages I have done so far. Indiana Jones
Going Goofy

Cinderellas Carousel

Page to hold our maps and tickets


I got my Disney cartridge for my Cricut two days ago. ITS AWSOME! Even David was amazed with all you can do with it. It takes a little time to get all the pieces together when making the characters, but its so worth it. The come out so good. The last two nights I have been making Goofy's for our Goofy page. I got them all finished and started on some really cute Minnie Mouse ones as well. Tonight I hope to get our Goofy layout done. I will post some pictures of the Disney pages I have gotten done so far tomorrow. Its such a fun album to do! I am also working on our Wedding album too, but havent gotten as far on it cause my Disney stuff kind of pushed it out of the way! lol Hopefully I can get some pics up tomorrow.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Making cookies!

The girls and I had a fun afternoon. We made cookies, which are really good! And we also painted some pictures. They are actually still doing that right now. I really should think about sticking them in the tub and cleaning up the mess before dinner!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kansas here we come!

David got his assignment yesterday for Leavenworth. We wont be there til Febuary, but it is nice to know for sure where we are going. His sign in date is Febuary 10th, and his graduation date from school is December 18th. So all that time in between is free time. Of course it wont all be free cause we will be moving, but we wont have to be rushed at all. He checked Leavenworths housing status and there is no wait at all for right now. I hope it stays the same. It is an officers base so all the housing is really nice. Hey maybe we will even get carpet! lol I know he is ready to get to school and start his new job.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Hope everyone had a great Easter. We actually did ours early due to weather. Here are a few pics of the girls Easter egg hunting(or easter egg picking) as Constance called it.

Easter baskets

Ivy Jewel

Here are a few of Constance in her dress. She loved modeling for her Daddy and I. Ivy didnt want anything to do with it! lol

This was her own pose. She is such a little diva!

This is the only one I got of Ivy. She took off after I took this pic and never returned!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Go with Daddy

We have a picture on our wall of an Army collage. Its got tanks and helicopters, and army guys in it. The last few days Constance has been going up to it alot and really studying it. I kept wondering what she was thinking about when she was looking at it. Well, today she came up to me and showed it to me. She said "Im going to go with Daddy there next time." I think she realizes that it looks like where her Daddy was when he was gone so long. I then explained to her that only Daddys can go there, and little girls have to stay home with thier mommys. I told her it was too dangerous. Her comment to this was "Only boys can go to dangerous places, girls cant do that!" lol I will just leave it at that. I think she would get confused if I tried to explain that sometimes girls go too. I was just amazed that she knew from that picture that it was where her daddy went.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Video of girls in our tent

Monday, April 6, 2009


Here are a few pics from our camping trip this weedend. We went with two other families. We had a blast. Saturday was a really nice day, Sunday morning, not so much! lol It was cold and very windy! Girls and I spent alot of time in the tent until is started to blow over on us! lol We are not looking into getting a pop-up. This probably wont happen til next year or even the year after, but eventually we would like to get one. The girls did great. They slept all night long! I think we may go again in the next month or so. I think next time we will go just us though. Have a family camping trip next! RJ!
Ivy Jewel! She is getting so big!


Constance helping put our tent up!

Jess and Richard putting thier tent up!

David sawing some firewood! Such a manly man!

Cole and Constance on a dirt bike! We allow this now, when she is 16, not a chance! lol

Girls in the tent yesterday morning when is was so cold!