Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Our Weekend
Posted by
Singell Family
4:15 PM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Glitter Globe
Posted by
Singell Family
6:48 AM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sick Little Girl :(
Yesterday, the plan was to relax and not do much. Well...... That did not end up happening. Ivy was pretty cranky most of the morning and I just figured she was tired. So I planned on getting her down for her nap after I dropped Constance off at school. As we were leaving the school Ivy threw up all over the both of us. It was everywhere. When we got to the car I stripped her down. I couldnt very well do that though! lol So we got home and I tried to lay her down, but she was very figity and just not able to get comfortable. So I rocked her a bit and she got sick again. After that she seemed to be feeling a little bit better so I started rocking her again and she went right to sleep. I then called and got her a dr. appt for that afternoon. So as soon as the dr walks in she gets sick again! Ends up shes got the stomach flu and an ear infection in both ears! Not fun. So we then head over to Wal-Mart pharmacy to get her meds and she gets sick there too! Poor baby did not have a good day. The ladies there were very nice and helped me get it all cleaned up. We got home and she seemed to be doing a bit better. She did get sick once more during the night, but luckily today she hasnt gotten sick once, and no fever either. So Im hoping thats the end of it. Shes been pretty active today too.
David called yesterday as well. It had been like 9 days since I had heard from him so I was getting a bit worried. It will probably be about that long again before I hear from him next. Im really getting sick of all of this. Im soooooo ready for this deployment to be over with. It just seems to be dragging on. It will be a year in November since he has been gone, but it feels like its been two! Oh well, nothing we can do about it. We are almost to the end, and I look forward to the day the girls and I can go pick him up and bring him home. Kinda like getting a new puppy!!! LOL!!! He may not see it that way though! lol
We are one step further on getting housing in Texas. We are now on the waiting list and have all the paperwork done. They were supposed to call me today with all the details, like how long that list is, when to expect to be able to move in. That kind of stuff, but they never called. So they will be getting a call from me in the morning. Its been like pulling teeth to get answers about all of this from this company, but hopefully I can get them tomorrow. Well, thats all Ive got on our end for now. Hope everyone has a great week!!!
Posted by
Singell Family
7:11 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Ivys bad day
Posted by
Singell Family
3:44 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11th
Posted by
Singell Family
1:43 PM
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I havent added any pics of the girls for a bit, so I thought I would take some this morning. Yesterday I was trying to get Ivy to take a nap and she looked at me then pointed to her eyes and said "eyes!" lol She is learning so many new words everyday. She can count to one now too! lol Anyways, today is picture day at school for Constance so as soon as I get her dressed I will take a pic of her and put it on here as well. Enjoy the pics!!!
Posted by
Singell Family
5:53 AM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
My lastest mission has been to try to find a place to live in Texas. Out of all the apartments online there was only one that was half way decent and in our price range. I talked to David yesterday though, and we both felt that this is not the way we want to go. So tomorrow I will be contacting housing on-base. I looked up the website last night and they said they have alot of openings for immediate move in. So it looks like I hopefully wont have any trouble getting one. We wont be there that long. 8 months at the most. We have decided for sure that it is time to come out of the army. Its been good for all of us, but I dont think David can take anymore deployments like this one has been. He has a job he is working on getting. Its going to be a good one and he meets all the requirements for it. We will still be living away from home, but we can always go visit. He applied for this job yesterday and they will let him know up to 6 months before he gets out of the army, if he is accepted for the job. Im not saying what it is yet, just in case it doesnt work out, but we are pretty optomistic about it. It just feels like the right thing to do for our family. Ill tell ya, it will be really nice to not have to worry about him having to leave again. Hugh weight lifted off our shoulders.
So anyways, that is what is on my mind right now. We will be moving sometime mid December. He will be home soon after. So we are on the downhill slide now, which is a nice feeling!
Posted by
Singell Family
6:21 AM
Friday, September 5, 2008
halloween costumes
I know its a bit early, but I ordered Ivys halloween costume today. I already have constances. Ivy is going to be a penguin. So cute!!! Constance is going to be a fairy princess. She already has the dress, but I still need to get her the accessories to go with it. They are going to be so cute. I cant wait! I think we are going to go arould to see family that night, then we may head to Bolivar and do some trick-or-treating there. We shall see. They are going to have so much fun. This will be the first year Ivy will actually get to do something. Last year she could not walk yet and so she just sat in the stroller. So she should have lots more fun this year!
Posted by
Singell Family
8:23 AM
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
My Family
After I picked Constance up from school today I looked in her backpack. She had a drawing that she did of her family. She made the faces with her thumb print, then drew eyes and mouths on them. They were labeled by her teacher. She had mom, dad, Constance, Sissy, and Grandma Boat!!! lol Grandma Boat is actually Grandma Vote, but she says boat instead of Vote. That just cracked me up. At school today she was the line leader. A big deal for the pre-schoolers! So she is pretty proud of that. She also now has homework. Its all optional, but we will be doing it. Tonight she has to make a book about her. She has to write her name by herself also. Now is when Im sorry we gave her such a long name! lol Its going to take forever to learn. Ivy is going to have an easy time with it Im sure!!!
Posted by
Singell Family
1:39 PM