I wasnt sure what to name this one since it really isnt going to be about anything in general! Anyways, there really isnt much going on I am just bored so I thought i would post a new blog. This morning I went to town to run a few errands and get a few groceries. That was the highlight of the day. The weather here is so wierd. This morning when i left it was 64 degrees which was great, but now it is 33 degrees. And later this evening we are supposed to get rain and maybe snow! Strange. David heard that the shorter tours over there may affect them. The have heard that the may be home by next November! This is not for sure, but they should know within a few months if they will get to come home earlier. I am not going to get my hopes up for now, so we will see. Well thats really all I have to talk about. lol.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Shorter tours?
I read today that the Army may be getting shorter tours in Iraq. I hope so. The goal they have set out is to go back to 12 month tours instead of 15 which is where it is right now. They said if it does happen that it will start this next august. Im not sure if this will effect David or not. It said some of the brigades over there now will have thier time shortened but some will not. So we can hope for the best, but prepare for the 15 like normal. It would be really nice to have him home 3 months early. Then he would not miss two Christmases and he would be here for Ivys 2nd birthday. I know 3 months does not seem like a long time, but when your best friend is gone it feels like a lifetime! I really just want this war to be over. Who knows what will happen when we get a new president. Even if they want to pull out of Iraq, that will probably take time. Good news is that David will definatly be home in June and will most likely be here for his, mine, and Constances birthdays, as well as our anniversary. We have never spent an anniversary together yet, so we are hoping this year for our fourth we can be together. Just having him home would be a great birthday and anniversary gift. I am not asking for anything more this year! Ok well its getting late so I should probably start getting ready for bed! If you read this soon hon, I love you and miss you!
Posted by
Singell Family
7:50 PM
Birthday pictures!

Posted by
Singell Family
12:02 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
45th Anniversary

the girls with thier great-grandparents

Constance looking so pretty!

the cake. Same lady made our wedding cake!
Posted by
Singell Family
10:41 AM
Thier Castle!

Posted by
Singell Family
9:01 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
New Oven, New Camera!!
Well the oven is not new, but it is fixed and I just used it for the first time! Yay! This afternoons project is reeses bars! mmmm.... And I have a new digital camera. I love it. It takes great video with sound. The only problem is that for some reason the computer is not letting my upload anything right now. So as soon as I figure out the problem I will upload some pics and try to get some videos on here as well. We got some cute video last night of Ivys first attempts at jumping. It was too cute! I also got a good one of constance telling her daddy hi and that she loves him. Just hope the computer will cooperate so he can actually see them.
On another note, I am getting myself back into drawing. I used to do it everyday! Literally, but I seriously have not drawn anything since the girls were born. David keeps encouraging me to get back into it, so I got out the pencils and paper and I am going to sit down at nap time and start a drawing. I have a slight fear that maybe over the last 2 and a half years my talent has left me! So hopefully I am wrong and can get right back into it. Wish me luck! If it is any good i will take a pic and post it when i am done.
Posted by
Singell Family
9:02 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Being brave!
Ok I am going to do something that most women would not do at all. I am going to track my weight and inches lose on here. I figure it may help to keep me motivated. If I just do it all on my own I will quit after two weeks and I would like to keep it up, so you guys are all going to be my support group!! Ok getting ready to measure everything while we speak! Oh this is scary! lol. Ok here we go.
Weight: 125 lbs
arms: 10 1/2
thighs: 21 1/2
butt: not sure if im ready to see this! 38
tummy: 34 1/2
Ok there you go. Now you all know more about me than anyone has ever known. I am going to post new measurements every week on wednesdays. So if you all see that I am not posting it then yell at me and tell me to get excersizing!
Posted by
Singell Family
7:18 AM
So sleepy!
For some reason today I am soooo sleepy. I would love to have a day to just sleep in as long as i want. David and I used to switch days on the weekend to sleep in so I guess I have to wait 13 more months! lol I have done a few more scrapbook pages. I got a few things at Hobby Lobby yesterday so I had to try them out! Today I am going to start a new excersize plan. I need to get into shape! I dont really want to lose weight just tone everything up. Hopefully I can lose a couple of inches by the time David gets home on leave. I cant wait to take the girls to Disney World. It is going to be so fun! I never realized how much there is to do for thier age group there. I was looking online and they have a little tots section that shows everything they can do. That way we can plan out what we are going to do before we get there. Well Ivy is getting a little mad at me for being on here so I need to get off for now. Hope everyone has a good day!
Posted by
Singell Family
6:13 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Bad Blogger!
I know I have not been very good at this blogging thing lately. I am going to try to get better though. Starting today! Last night David and I talked on the phone for over an hour. Thats the first time we have gotten to talk that long in awhile. It was so nice. Then I got off the phone and did a scrapbook page. I am trying to get back into it. I have a lot to do! The page I did last night was Constances potty training page. It turned out so cute! Today I have to go to the dentist at 2:00. Getting my teeth cleaned. The girls are going over to my grandparents house while I am gone. I get to relax in the dental chair for awhile. Not screaming kids! lol. Is that bad or what! Anyways that is pretty much all that is going on today. I will try to write another one tomorrow. You all have permission to comment if I dont! lol
Posted by
Singell Family
6:20 AM