Its been a little while since I have updated this, so I thought right now was as good a time as any. Lets see, since I last wrote we had Thanksgiving. Such a great holiday when family can get together. We ate a lot at Grandmas house and the girls had fun getting all the attention! Then my grandparents and I went up to Blue Springs the next saturday. We visited with my dad and I went over to see my friend Amy and her family. Her little boy Jack is just adorable. He and the girls had a lot of fun playing together. Not much has gone on since then. David is doing good. They are busy getting everything set up on base, but soon they will be getting down to business and going on missions and other things. Thats the part I am not looking forward too. He has decided to try and become a Warrent Officer. He has people over there working hard to help him get everything done that he needs to do to achieve this goal. I am so proud of the way he always wants to better himself. If you read this honey I love you and I miss you lots. My Mom is going to be going to Silver Dollar City on Saturday morning with a friend. Good Morning America is doing thier show there and she will get in for free plus get an extra free ticket for herself. So everyone look for her on tv!! We will hopefully be taking the girls December 9th so we can see the lights and see Santa!! Well that is pretty much all of the updating I can do for now!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
pictures of David
Posted by
Singell Family
8:04 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Today Me, my mom, and the girls were in the car headed to Wal-mart. I had a cd in that David burned and it had the Fergie song "Big Girls Dont Cry" on it. So Im singing along and behind me I hear Constance singing it too. So I turned down the radio a little bit to hear her. She knows all the words!!! I could not believe it. I was amazed. She was just singing right along with it, and she has a really good voice for a two year old! I dont play that song that much so Im not sure when she learned it. It was soooo cute. I love it when my kids just suprise me like that with something I had no idea they could do. Its amazing watching them do new things.
Posted by
Singell Family
5:39 PM
3 a.m. Scream Fest!
Ok I know I havent blogged in a few days, as I was kindly told by a friend! lol. So I will blog about our really late night last night. It all started when I put the girls to bed around 8. Then my mom and I sat down to watch Knocked Up. About half way through Ivy woke up, which is normal. I can usually get her right back to sleep. Not this time. Poor baby girl has three teeth coming through all at the same time. We were up til 3 this morning. Constance got up to and was trying to make her sissy feel better. She was rubbing her arm saying "you ok, sweetheart". It was the cutest thing in the world. So finally Ivy just gave up and fell asleep on my lap around 3. I layed her down and got Constance back to bed and then at 7 they were up again for the day. I NEED SLEEP!! Its ok though. Ivy is asleep again right now, and will probably stay that way for a while. I am attempting to get Constance to lay back down and go to sleep on Grandmas bed. At the moment she is in there talking to herself. You know I think she even talks in her sleep. We are in trouble when she is old enough to want a cell phone!! Just to let everyone know David is doing good. Not much going on over there right now which is a good thing. I will keep everyone updated.
Posted by
Singell Family
6:45 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Life in Missouri
Well we have been here a little over a week now. Seems like longer! Our lives have totally changed from what they were in Texas. David is not here and wont be for a long time so that have really been a big adjustment for me and the girls as well. A new house to live in. This is a big one for the girls. They are in the same room here. Can we say double trouble! Ivy has not been sleeping good at all. She is waking up a lot at night. Hopefully she can get into a good groove soon. Mommy is becoming very sleep deprived! Both of them have teeth coming in. Yeah! lol. Constance has her four 2 year molars coming through and Ivy has four teeth coming in as well. Thats eight teeth!!! Ive been getting all my scrapbook stuff and pictures organized so hopefully in the next day or two I can get started on that. That is pretty much all that is going on here right now. Missing my hunny and spending time with my girls!
Posted by
Singell Family
4:24 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Veterans Day
First of all I want to say Happy Veterans Day to all the men and women out there that fight and have fought for all of our freedom. It is an amazing thing that you all do. This morning at church they honored all the veterans there. They had a slide show and had Davids and Brians pictures up there as well. It was a very emotional day for me. I am so amazingly proud of both of them, I cant even put it into words. I dont know what David is feeling now as he is over there, but I do know for sure it is really hard on us here having him gone. I am having a lot harder time the second time around. We have grown so much as a family and now it seems like we have to put all that on hold. It just gets very hard at times and very lonely, but I must be strong for the girls and especially for my husband. He needs me here to keep everything as normal as I can. Its a big job, but its my job and for that I am proud. If you read this honey I love you and miss you lots. Hugs and kisses from me and the girls! xoxoxoxo.
Posted by
Singell Family
6:15 PM