Here are pictures of the girls we took on the webcam before we went Trick-or-Treating tonight. They both had a blast. Constance loved running around with all the other kids getting her candy. She wanted to eat it all right then! We didnt let her, she would never have gone to sleep tonight! Ivy just enjoyed watching everyone. It was a fun night for all of us. We hope everyone else had a fun and safe night as well. Happy Halloween.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Posted by
Singell Family
9:30 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Last Week
Well this is our last week here in Texas. The girls and I head out to Missouri next Sunday. David leaves soon after that. I have mixed feelings about it all. I am terribly sad that David has to go to Iraq again and we cant all be together as a family, but then I am excited to see my family again. There is a lot to do this week so that should keep us pretty busy. And Halloween is on Wednesday!! The girls are going to be so cute. Constance is going to be Tinkerbell. We could not find a good cheap costume for Ivy so we got her an outfit that is black and orange and says Who needs a costume when you are already a princess. Its all sparkly. Very cute. As soon as I get the film developed I will post some pictures of them Trick-or-Treating. I broke the digital camera in july so thats why no one has seen any new pictures of us lately. Hope to get a new one soon though! Well we hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween.
Posted by
Singell Family
6:30 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Here are some of our professional pictures we had taken for anyone who has not seen them yet. The weekend after the girls and I get to Missouri I am taking the girls to get their Christmas pictures taken. Im so excited to see how they will turn out. I am hoping they will cooperate and we can get one of them together. We will see.
Posted by
Singell Family
9:05 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
We have success!!!
David and I decided to start having the girls sleep in the same room last night. I was very nervous going into it. I was not sure how it was going to work out. Our first attempt at laying them down did not go so well. They were both in there screaming!!! You should have seen me, I was pacing!! So I thought i should get them up for a few minutes to get them calmed down. So we went downstairs for about half an hour and they were playing. When we took them back up there they lay down and went right to sleep!! I was very excited. They will be sharing a room in Missouri so I figured it would be easier for everyone to get them used to being in the same room now then after we get there. I didnt want to add to thier confusion. So night one was good we will see how night two goes!!
Posted by
Singell Family
8:15 AM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Hi Everyone!!
Ok, I was going to wait til I got to Missouri to start this but I am bored so I thought I might as well do it now!! Thanks to my wonderful friend Amy I got interested in doing one of my own. Hopefully after I get to Missouri in about a week and a half I can get some pictures up. Ok here is our update. The girls and I are heading to Missouri on the 4th of November. We are sad to be leaving David but a little while after that he will be headed to Iraq. He will be there for 15 months. If you would like his mailing address there just e-mail me and I will send it to you. I hope all of you enjoy reading our blog! I will try to update it often and let you know how we are doing and what David is up to in Iraq.
Posted by
Singell Family
1:18 PM